The role of a variable is a fixed value if its value is not changed in run-time after initialization.
pii = 3.14 # 1 r = input("Enter the radius of a circle: ") # 2 print "The area of the circle is", pii*r*r # 3
is a fixed value,pii
is a fixed value, also.Stepper goes through a succession of values in some systematic way.
multiplier = 1 # 1 while multiplier <= 10 : # 2 print multiplier, "* 3 =", multiplier*3 # 3 multiplier += 1 # 4
is a stepper.A stepper can also be used, for example, for counting and traversing the indexes of an array.
A variable is a most-recent holder, if its value is the latest gone through value of a certain group or simply the latest input value.
s = 0 # 1 while s <= 0 : # 2 s = input("Enter the length of the side of a square: ") # 3 print "The area of the square is", s*s # 4
is a most-recent holder.The value of a most-wanted holder is the "best" or otherwise the most-wanted value out of the values gone through so far. There exists no restrictions for measuring the superiority of the values
smallest = input("Enter a number: ") # 1 for i in range(9) : # 2 number = input("Enter a number: ") # 3 if number < smallest : smallest = number # 4 print "The smallest number was", smallest # 5
is a most-wanted holder,i
is a stepper,number
is a most-recent holder.The value of a gatherer accumulates all the values gone through so far.
count = 0 # 1 sum = 0 # 2 number = 0 # 3 while number != -999 : # 4 number = input("Enter a number, -999 to quit: ") # 5 if number != -999 : # 6 sum += number # 7 count += 1 # 8 if count : # 9 print "The average is", sum / count # 10
is a gatherer,count
is a stepper,number
is a most-recent holder.A follower always gets the old value of another known variable as its new value.
previous = input("Enter the 1. value: ") # 1 current = input("Enter the 2. value: ") # 2 biggestDiff = current - previous # 3 month = 3 # 4 while month <= 12 : # 5 previous = current # 6 current = input("Enter the " + month + ". value: ") # 7 if current - previous > biggestDiff : # 8 biggestDiff = current - previous # 9 month += 1 # 10 print "The biggest difference was", biggestDiff # 11
is a follower,month
is a stepper,current
is a most-recent holder,biggestDiff
is a most-wanted holder.Followers are used a lot with linked data structures to point the data element previous to the one in process.
A one-way flag is a Boolean variable which once changed cannot get its original value anymore.
sum = 0 # 1 neg = 0 # 2 number = 1 # 3 while number : # 4 number = input("Enter a number, 0 to quit: ") # 5 sum += number # 6 if number < 0 : neg = 1 # 7 print "The sum is", sum # 8 if neg : print "There was at least one negative number in inputs" # 9
is a one-way flag,number
is a most-recent holder,sum
is a gatherer.A one-way flag can also be used, for example, to watch errors occuring in input data so that the program could ask the inputs again.
A variable is a temporary if its value is always needed only for a very short period.
taxRate = 16 # 1 taxfree = 1 # 2 while taxfree : # 3 taxfree = input("Enter tax-free price (0 to quit): ") # 4 if taxfree : # 5 tax = taxfree * taxRate / 100 # 6 print "Total price", taxfree+tax, "that includes tax", tax # 7
is a temporary,taxRate
is a fixed value,taxfee
is a most-recent holder.A temporary is typically used for efficiency reasons (e.g., executing a computation, whose value is needed in several places, only once) or to clarify the program (e.g., computing the result in a variable even though the use of a variable would not be absolutely necessary). A temporary is also often used for swapping two data elements of an organizer.
An organizer is a data structure which is used for reorganizing its elements after initialization.
characters = [] # 1 letter = "a" # 2 while letter != "x" : # 3 letter = raw_input("Enter a letter, x to quit: ") # 4 if letter != "x" : characters = characters + [letter] # 5 print characters # 6 length = len(characters) # 7 if length : # 8 i = 0 # 9 while i < length/2 : # 10 tmp = characters[i] # 11 characters[i] = characters[length-1-i] # 12 characters[length-1-i] = tmp # 13 i += 1 # 14 print characters # 15
is an organizer,letter
is a most-recent holder,length
is a fixed value,i
is a stepper,tmp
is a temporary.An organizer can be used for sorting or for some other reorganization.
Container is a data structure where elements can be added and removed.
stack = [] # 1 command = "x" # 2 while command != "q": # 3 command = raw_input("Enter command: ") # 4 if command == "n": # 5 stack = stack + [raw_input("Enter element: ")] # 6 elif command == "r" and len(stack) > 0 : # 7 print stack[len(stack)-1], "removed." # 8 del stack[len(stack)-1] # 9
is a container,command
is a most-recent holder.Walker traverses a data structure.
class Node: # 1 def __init__(self, data=None, next=None): # 2 = data # 3 = next # 4 head = Node() # 5 command = "x" # 6 while command != "q" : # 7 command = raw_input("Enter command: ") # 8 if command == "n": # 9 p = head # 10 while : p = # 11 t = Node(raw_input("Enter element: ")) # 12 = t # 13 elif command == "p" : # 14 p = # 15 while p : # 16 print # 17 p = # 18
is a walker,head
is a fixed value,t
is a temporary,command
is a most-recent holder,data
is a fixed value,next
is a fixed value.You are working with a collection or stream of objects. How do you find an object that meets a specific condition?
Construct a Process All Items loop (see later on), but provide a way to exit the loop early should you find your target sooner.
for (i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) if (student[i].grade().isAnA()) break; // process student[i], who has an A
If it is possible that you will not find your target, be sure to do a Guarded Linear Search (see next slide).
You are doing a Linear Search.
How do you handle the possibility that no target may be found?
Follow the loop with an Alternative Action that treats the "not found" situation as a special case.
for (i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) if ( student[i].grade().isAnA() ) break; if (i < students.size()) // found it! // process student[i], who has an A else // handle the exception
You are writing code that manipulates a collection.
The collection might be an array, a bag, a hashtable, a stream, or a file. You want to process all of the items in an identical manner.
There are two kinds of process-all-items loops:
You are writing a Process All Items loop for an indexable collection, the number of items in the collection can be determined in constant time and indexing is constant time.
for(int k=0; k < v.size(); k++) { process v[k] }
You are writing a Process All Items loop for a collection that uses an iterator interface or when constant time indexing of the collection is not possible.
For instance, in Java...
Hashtable table = new Hashtable(); // code to put values in table Enumeration e = table.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { process(table.get(e.nextElement())); }
...or in C++...
Node * ptr = first; while (ptr != NULL) { process(ptr->info); ptr = ptr->next; }
You are writing a Process All Items loop. How do you structure the loop when the number of items in the collection isn't known in advance and the items are provided one-at-a-time?
Typical approach: use a sentinel.
read value while (value != sentinel) process value read value
This leads to duplicate code for the read/get and makes the loop body harder to understand since it turns a read-and-process loop into a process-and-read loop.
Solution: while-true loop with a break in the loop body.
while (true) read value if (value == sentinel) break; process value
You are writing a program that asks the user to enter a data value. How do you poll until the user enters a valid data item?
Many languages provide a do...while... construct that allows direct testing of a value after entry:
do { cout << "Enter a grade between 0 and 100, inclusive: "; cin >> grade; } while (grade < 0 || grade > 100)
Instead, you could follow the data entry with an explicit validation loop:
cout << "Enter a grade between 0 and 100, inclusive: "; cin >> grade; while (grade < 0 || grade > 100) { cout << "Sorry! That is an illegal value." << endl; cout << "Enter a grade between 0 and 100, inclusive: "; cin >> grade; }
But still...
Solution: add a loop and a half:
while (1) { cout << "Enter a grade between 0 and 100, inclusive: "; cin >> grade; if (grade >= 0 && grade <= 100) break; cout << "Sorry! That is an illegal value." << endl; }
How do you write code that processes data stored in a linear structure, such as an array, list, or file?
Solution: use only a process all items loop.
void removedups(vector& a, int & n) { // precondition: a[0] <= a[1] <= ... <= a[n - 1] // postcondition: all duplicates removed from a, // n = # elements in a int k; int uniqueCount = 1; // invariant: no duplicates in a[0] .. a[uniqueCount-1] for(k=1; k < n; k++) { if (a[k] != a[uniqueCount-1]) { a[uniqueCount] = a[k]; uniqueCount++; } } n = uniqueCount; }
For each of the following snippets, try to assign to each variable a role.
public class Dog { String name; int age; public Dog (String n) { name = n; age = 0; } public void birthday () { age++; } }
public class ReversableString { private char[] characters; public ReversableString (String s) { characters = s.toCharArray(); } public String get() { return new String(characters); } public void reverse() { int length = characters.length; char tmp; for (int i = 0; i < length/2; i++) { tmp = characters[i]; characters[i] = characters[length-i-1]; characters[length-i-1] = tmp; } } }
public class BankAccount { private String accountNumber; private float interest, balance=0; public BankAccount (String nr, float percent) { accountNumber = nr; interest = percent; } public String getAccountNumber () { return accountNumber; } public float getBalance () { return balance; } public float getInterest () { return interest; } public void setInterest (float pc) { interest = pc; } public void transaction (float amount) { balance += amount; } }
public class Thermometer { private int reading=-999, previous=-999, coldest=-999; private boolean frozen=false; public Thermometer () { } public int getReading () { return reading; } public void setReading (int r) { if (r < coldest) coldest = r; if (r < 0) frozen = true; previous = reading; reading = r; } public int getPrevious () {return previous; } public int getColdest () {return coldest; } public boolean getFrozen () {return frozen; } }
public class Stack { private int contents; private Stack next; public Stack() { = null; } public void add (int element) { Stack node; node = new Stack(); node.contents = element; =; = node; } public int remove () { int removed = 0; if ( != null) { removed =; =; } return removed; } public int size () { int size = 0; Stack p =; while (p != null) { size++; p =; } return size; } } class StackTest { Stack myStack = new Stack(); ... }
public class Item { float taxfreePrice, priceWithTax; public Item (float price) { taxfreePrice = price; } public float setTax (float taxRate) { float tax; tax = taxRate * taxfreePrice / 100; priceWithTax = taxfreePrice + tax; return tax; } }
For each of the considered loop patterns, find out
Consider the case of linear search:
:for c in s: if is_vowel(c): break # process c
in the following example:for k in d: if k.isdigit(): break