@article{JCH2024, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Zanaboni, Anna and Di Gioacchino, Alessandro and Bonizzoni, Letizia", title="One-class vs binary machine learning classification of ceramic samples described by chemical element concentrations", journal="Journal of Cultural Heritage", volume="71", pages="234-241", year=2025}, @article{IJLM2024, author="Blandino, Alberto and Zanaboni, Anna and Malchiodi, Dario and Di Francesco, Carlotta and Spada, Claudio and Faraone, Chiara and Travaini, Guido and Casali, Michelangelo", title="Fatal fall from a height: is it possible to apply artificial intelligence techniques for height estimation?", journal="International Journal of Legal Medicine", year=2024}, @inproceedings{EANN2024-CA, author="Paravisi, Mattia and Visconti, Andrea and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Security Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms: Hints from Machine Learning", editor="Iliadis, L. and Maglogiannis, I. and Papaleonidas, A. and Pimenidis, E. and Jayne, C.", booktitle="Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. EANN 2024.", address="Cham", publisher="Springer",series="Communications in Computer and Information Science", pages="569–580", year=2024}, @inproceedings{EANN2024-FL, author="Frasson, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Support Vector Based Anomaly Detection in Federated Learning", editor="Iliadis, L. and Maglogiannis, I. and Papaleonidas, A. and Pimenidis, E. and Jayne, C.", booktitle="Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. EANN 2024.", address="Cham", publisher="Springer",series="Communications in Computer and Information Science", pages="274–287", year=2024}, @article{JBD2024, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Raimondi, Davide and Fumagalli, Giacomo and Giancarlo, Raffaele and Frasca, Marco", title="The role of classifiers and data complexity in learned Bloom filters: insights and recommendations", journal="Journal of Big Data", volume="11", number="45", year=2024}, @inproceedings{VLDB2024, author="Cavalleri, Emanuele and Soto-Gomez, Mauricio and Pashaeibarough, Ali and Malchiodi, Dario and Caufield, Harry and Reese, Justin and Mungall, Christopher and Robinson, Peter and Casiraghi, Elena and Valentini, Giorgio and Mesiti, Marco", title="SPIREX: Improving LLM-based relation extraction from RNA-focused scientific literature using graph machine learning ", booktitle="Proceedings of Workshops at the 50th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases", publisher="vldb.org",pages="1-11", year=2024}, @inproceedings{Bioinformatics2024, author="Nicolini, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario and Cabri, Alberto and Cavalleri, Emanuele and Mesiti, Marco and Paccanaro, Alberto and Robinson, Peter and Reese, Justin and Casiraghi, Elena and Valentini, Giorgio", title="Fine-Tuning of Conditional Transformers Improves the Generalization of Functionally Characterized Proteins", booktitle="BIOSTEC 2024 - 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Proceedings", publisher="SCITEPRESS",pages="561-568", year=2024}, @inproceedings{ICBRA2023, author="Gliozzo, Jessica and Marinò, Giosuè and Bonometti, Arturo and Frasca, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Resource-Limited Automated Ki67 Index Estimation in Breast Cancer", booktitle="Proceedings of the 2023 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ICBRA '23)", address="New York, NY, USA", publisher="ACM",pages="165–172", year=2024}, @article{FontiersBioinformatics2023, author="Valentini, Giorgio and Malchiodi, Dario and Gliozzo, Jessica and Mesiti, Marco and Soto-Gomez, Mauricio and Cabri, Alberto and Reese, Justin and Casiraghi, Elena and Robinson, Peter", title="The promises of large language models for protein design and modeling", journal="Frontiers in Bioinformatics", volume="3", pages="1304099", year=2023}, @article{ACESS2023, author="Marinò, Giosuè and Furia, Flavio and Malchiodi, Dario and Frasca, Marco", title="Efficient and Compact Representations of Deep Neural Networks via Entropy Coding", journal="IEEE Access", volume="11", pages="106103—106125", year=2023}, @article{JAS2023, author="Ruschioni, Giulia and Malchiodi, Dario and Zanaboni, Anna and Bonizzoni, Letizia", title="Supervised learning algorithms as a tool for archaeology: classification of ceramic samples described by chemical element concentrations", journal="Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports", volume="49", pages="103995", year=2023}, @inproceedings{EANN2023, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Raimondi, Davide and Fumagalli, Giacomo and Giancarlo, Raffaele and Frasca, Marco", title="A Critical Analysis of Classifier Selection in Learned Bloom Filters: the Essentials", editor="Iliadis, Lazaros and Maglogiannis, Ilias and Castro, Serafin and Jayne, Christina and Pimenidis, Elias", booktitle="Engineering Application of Neural Networks — 24th International Conference — EAAAI/EANN 2023 — León, Spain, June 14—17, 2023 —Proceedings", publisher="Springer Nature",series="Communications in Computer and Information Science 1826", pages="47—61", year=2023}, @article{NEUCOM2022, author="Marinò, Giosuè and Petrini, Alessandro and Malchiodi, Dario and Frasca, Marco", title="Deep neural networks compression: a comparative survey and choice recommendations", journal="Neurocomputing", volume="520", pages="152—170", year=2023}, @article{INFEDU2022, author="Condorelli, Andrea and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Designing a Master Course on Architectures for Big Data: A Collaboration Between University and Industry", journal="Informatics in Education", volume="4", pages="635—653", year=2022}, @inproceedings{ICIAP2021, author="Zanaboni, Anna and Malchiodi, Dario and Bonizzoni, Letizia and Ruschioni, Giulia", title="Classification of Pottery Fragments Described by Concentration of Chemical Elements", editor="Mazzeo, P. and Frontoni, E. and Sclaroff, S. and Distante, C.", booktitle="Image Analysis and Processing. ICIAP 2022 Workshops. ICIAP 2022.", address="Cham", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science", pages="141—151", year=2022}, @inproceedings{ICPRAM2022, author="Fumagalli, Giacomo and Raimondi, Davide and Giancarlo, Raffaele and Malchiodi, Dario and Frasca, Marco", title="On the Choice of General Purpose Classifiers in Learned Bloom Filters: An Initial Analysis Within Basic Filters", booktitle="Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods — ICPRAM", publisher="SciTePress",pages="675—682", year=2022}, @article{JFLM2021, author="Casali, Michelangelo and Malchiodi, Dario and Spada, Claudio and Zanaboni, Anna and Cotroneo, Rosy and Furci, Domenico and Sommariva, Andrea and Genovese, Umberto and Blandino, Alberto", title="A pilot study for investigating the feasibility of supervised machine learning approaches for the classification of pedestrians struck by vehicles", journal="Journal of Forensics and Legal Medicine", volume="84", pages="102256", year=2021}, @article{PJVS2021, author="Bagardi, Mara and Locatelli, Chiara and Zanaboni, Anna and Galizzi, Alberto and Malchiodi, Dario and Brambilla, Paola", title="Multiple retrospective analysis of survival and evaluation of cardiac death predictors in a population of dogs affected by degenerative mitral valve disease in ACVIM class C treated with different therapeutic protocols", journal="Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences", volume="24", number="1", pages="109—118", year=2021}, @article{ReportsMI2021, author="Esposito, Andrea and Casiraghi, Elena and Chiaraviglio, Francesca and Scarabelli, Alice and Stellato, Elvira and Plensich, Guido and Lastella, Giulia and Di Meglio, Letizia and Fusco, Stefano and Avola, Emanuele and Jachetti, Alessandro and Giannitto, Caterina and Malchiodi, Dario and Frasca, Marco and Beheshti, Afshin and Robinson, Peter and Valentini, Giorgio and Forzenigo, Laura and Carrafiello, Gianpaolo", title="Artificial Intelligence in Predicting Clinical Outcome in COVID-19 Patients from Clinical, Biochemical, and a Qualitative Chest X-Ray Scoring System", journal="Reports in Medical Imaging", volume="14", pages="27—39", year=2021}, @article{BMCVR2021, author="Galizzi, Alberto and Bagardi, Mara and Stranieri, Angelica and Zanaboni, Anna and Malchiodi, Dario and Borromeo, Vitaliano and Brambilla, Paola and Locatelli, Chiara", title="Factors affecting the urinary aldosterone-to-creatinine ratio in healthy dogs and dogs with naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease", journal="BMC Veterinary Research", volume="17", number="1", pages="1—14", year=2021}, @inproceedings{RRPR2020, author="Marinò, Giosuè and Ghidoli, Gregorio and Frasca, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Reproducing the sparse Huffman Address Map compression for deep neural networks", editor="Kerautret, Bertrand and Colom, Miguel and Krähenbühl, Adrien, Adrien and Lopresti, Daniel and Monasse, Pascal and Talbot, Hugues", booktitle="Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition", address="Cham", publisher="Springer International Publishing",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12636", pages="161—166", year=2021}, @inproceedings{ICPR2020, author="Marinò, Giosué and Ghidoli, Gregorio and Frasca, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Compression strategies and space-conscious representations for deep neural networks", booktitle="2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)", publisher="IEEE",pages="9835—9842", year=2021}, @article{IEEEAccess2020, author="Casiraghi, Elena and Malchiodi, Dario and Trucco, Gabriella and Frasca, Marco and Cappelletti, Luca and Fontana, Tommaso and Esposito, Andrea and Avola, Emanuele and Jachetti, Alessandro and Reese, Justin and Rizzi, Alessandro and Robinson, Peter and Valentini, Giorgio", title="Explainable machine learning for early assessment of COVID-19 risk prediction in emergency departments", journal="IEEE Access", volume="8", pages="196299—196325", year=2020}, @bookchapter{Nardelli2020, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="Algomotricità: manipolare i fondamenti dell'Informatica", editor="Nardelli, Enrico", booktitle="Coding e oltre: l'informatica nella scuola", publisher="Liscianilibri", year=2020}, @inproceedings{MDAI2020, author="Malchiodi, Dario and da Costa Pereira, Célia and Tettamanzi, Andrea", title="Classifying Candidate Axioms via Dimensionality Reduction Techniques", editor="Torra, Vicenç and Narukawa, Yasuo and Nin, Jordi and Agell, Núria", booktitle="Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. 17th International Conference, MDAI 2020 Sant Cugat, Spain, September 2–4, 2020 Proceedings", address="Cham, Switzerland", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Sciencce 12256", pages="179—191", year=2020}, @inproceedings{WIRN2018, author="Cermenati, Luca and Malchiodi, Dario and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="Simultaneous Learning of Fuzzy Sets", editor="Esposito, Anna and Faundez-Zanuy, M. and Morabito, M. and Pasero, Eros", booktitle="Neural Approaches to Dynamics of Signal Exchanges", address="Singapore", publisher="Springer",series="Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies", pages="167-175", year=2020}, @article{IOI2019, author="Lodi, Michael and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Spieler, Bernadette", title="Constructionist Attempts at Supporting the Learning of Computer Programming: A Survey", journal="Olympiads in Informatics", volume="13", pages="99—121", year=2019}, @inproceedings{WILF2018, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="Data-Driven Induction of Shadowed Sets Based on Grade of Fuzziness", editor="Fullér, Robert and Giove, Silvio and Masulli, Francesco", booktitle="Fuzzy Logic and Applications — 12th International Workshop, WILF 2018 Genoa, Italy, September 6–7, 2018 — Revised Selected Papers", address="Cham", publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland AG",series="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11291", pages="17—28", year=2019}, @inproceedings{WILF2018-RT, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="Some Thoughts About Appealing Directions for the Future of Fuzzy Theory and Technologies Along the Path Traced by Lotfi Zadeh", editor="Fullér, Robert and Giove, Silvio and Masulli, Francesco", booktitle="Fuzzy Logic and Applications — 12th International Workshop, WILF 2018 Genoa, Italy, September 6–7, 2018 — Revised Selected Papers", address="Cham", publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland AG",series="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11291", pages="240—243", year=2019}, @inproceedings{CIBB2017, author="Frasca, Marco and Fontaine, Jean and Valentini, Giorgio and Mesiti, Marco and Notaro, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario and Andrade-Navarro, Miguel", title="Disease-Genes Must Guide Data Source Integration in the Gene Prioritization Process", editor=" Bartoletti, Massimo and Barla, Annalisa and Bracciali, Andrea and Klau, Gunnar and Peterson, Leif and Policriti, Alberto and Tagliaferri, Roberto", booktitle="Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. CIBB 2017", address="Cham", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10834 / Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 10834", pages="60—69", year=2019}, @inproceedings{ISSEP2018, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="Informatics and Computational Thinking: A Teacher Professional Development Proposal Based on Social-Constructivism", booktitle="Informatics in Schools. Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering.", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11169", pages="194–205", year=2018}, @inproceedings{SUM2018, author="Malchiodi, Dario and da Costa Pereira, Célia and Tettamanzi, Andrea", title="Predicting the Possibilistic Score of OWL Axioms through Support Vector Regression", editor="Ciucci, Davide and Pasi, Gabriella and Vantaggi, Barbara", booktitle="Scalable Uncertainty Management. SUM 2018", address="Cham", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11142", year=2018}, @inproceedings{Constructionism2018, author="Monga, Mattia and Lodi, Michael and Malchiodi, Dario and Morpurgo, Anna and Spieler, Bernadette", title="Learning to Program in a Constructionist Way", editor="Dagienė, Valentina and Jasutė, E.", booktitle="Constructionism 2018: Computational Thinking and Educational Innovation: conference proceedings", publisher="Vilnius University",pages="906–929", year=2018}, @inproceedings{Didamatica2018, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="Informatica e pensiero computazionale: una proposta costruttivista per gli insegnanti", editor="Adorni, G. and Cicognani, M. and Koceva, F. and Mastronardi, G.", booktitle="Didamatica 2018: Didattica Informatica", publisher="AICA",pages="201–210", year=2018}, @inproceedings{CSEDU2018, author="Morpurgo, Anna and Monga, Mattia and Malchiodi, Dario and Macoratti, Roberto and Lonati, Violetta and Carimati, Fabio and Bellettini, Carlo", title="A Platform for the Italian Bebras", booktitle="Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education", publisher="SCITEPRESS",pages="350–357", year=2018}, @article{BMC2018, author="Boldi, Paolo and Frasca, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Evaluating the impact of topological protein features on the negative examples selection", journal="BMC Bioinformatics", volume="19", number="14", pages="417.115–417.126", year=2018}, @inproceedings{SAC2018, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Tettamanzi, Andrea", title="Predicting the Possibilistic Score of OWL Axioms through Modified Support Vector Clustering", editor="Haddad, H. and Wainwright, R. and Chbeir, R.", booktitle="SAC'18: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing", publisher="ACM",pages="1984–1991", year=2018}, @inproceedings{Koli2017, author="Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="How presentation affects the difficulty of computational thinking tasks: an IRT analysis", booktitle="Proceedings of 17th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research", publisher="ACM",pages="60–69", year=2017}, @inproceedings{ISSEP2017, author="Calcagni, Annalisa and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="Promoting Computational Thinking Skills: Would You Use this Bebras Task?", editor="Dagienė, Valentina and Hellas, H.", booktitle="Informatics in Schools: Focus on Learning Programming", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science", pages="102–113", year=2017}, @inproceedings{MIE2017, author="Ludovico, Luca and Malchiodi, Dario and Zecca, Luisa", title="A Multimodal LEGO®-based Learning Activity Mixing Musical Notation and Computer Programming", booktitle="MIE 2017 Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI International Workshop on Multimodal Interaction for Education", publisher="ACM",pages="44–48", year=2017}, @article{KES2017, author="Baraté, Adriano and Ludovico, Luca and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Fostering Computational Thinking in Primary School through a LEGO®-based Music Notation", journal="Procedia computer science", volume="112", pages="1334–1344", note="Special issue: KES 2017 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems", year=2017}, @inproceedings{ODS2017, author="Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="Learning Greedy Strategies at Secondary Schools: An Active Approach", editor="Sforza, Antonio and Sterle, Claudio", booktitle="Optimization and Decision Science: Methodologies and Applications", publisher="Springer",series="Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics", pages="223–231", year=2017}, @inproceedings{ITiCSE2017, author="Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="Bebras as a teaching resource", booktitle="ITiCSE '17 Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education", publisher="ACM",pages="366–366", year=2017}, @inproceedings{LATICE2017, author="Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="Nothing to fear but fear itself: introducing recursion in lower secondary schools", booktitle="International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LATICE), 2017", publisher="IEEE",pages="91–98", year=2017}, @article{GenCompBio2017, author="Frasca, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Exploiting Negative Sample Selection for Prioritizing Candidate Disease Genes", journal="Genomics and Computational Biology", volume="3", number="3", pages="e47", year=2017}, @inproceedings{IWBBIO2017, author="Frasca, Marco and Lipreri, Fabio and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Analysis of Informative Features for Negative Selection in Protein Function Prediction", editor="Rojas, Ignacio and Ortuño, Francisco", booktitle="Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 5th International Work-Conference, IWBBIO 2017, Granada, Spain, April 26–28, 2017, Proceedings, Part II", series="Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics", year=2017}, @inproceedings{CSEDU2017, author="Baratè, Adriano and Formica, Andrea and Ludovico, Luca and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Fostering Computational Thinking in Secondary School through Music: An Educational Experience based on Google Blockly", editor="Escudeiro, P. and Costagliola, G. and Zvacek, S. and Uhomoibhi, J. and McLaren, B.", booktitle="Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education", publisher="SCITEPRESS",pages="117–124", year=2017}, @book{turing-book, author="Monga, Mattia and Malchiodi, Dario and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro", title="Turing: la nascita dell'intelligenza artificiale", publisher="Corriere della Sera", series="Grandangolo Scienza", year=2017}, @inproceedings{ISSEP2016, author="Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Previtali, Mauro", title="A playful tool to introduce lower secondary school pupils to recursive thinking", booktitle="Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2016", pages="51-52", year=2016}, @inproceedings{WIRN2015, author="Frasca, Marco and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Selection of Negative Examples for Node Label Prediction through Fuzzy Clustering Techniques", editor="Bassis, Simone and Esposito, Anna and Morabito, Francesco and Pasero, Eros", booktitle="Advances in Neural Networks: Computational Intelligence for ICT", publisher="Springer International Publishing",pages="67-76", year=2016}, @bookchapter{labella-2015, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Pedersini, Federico", title="La formazione degli insegnanti della classe 42/A – Informatica: l'esperienza dell'Università degli Studi di Milano", editor="Labella, Anna", booktitle="E questo tutti chiamano Informatica", publisher="Sapienza Università Editrice", chapter="4", pages="53–76", year=2015}, @other{Kangourou-2014-15, author="Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Repetto, Lorenzo and Torelli, Mauro", title="VII Kangourou dell'informatica 2014-2015", year=2015}, @inproceedings{ITICSE2015, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro", title="How Challenging are Bebras Tasks? An IRT analysis based on the performance of Italian students", booktitle="ITiCSE '15 Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education", address="New York", publisher="ACM",pages="27-32", year=2015}, @inproceedings{ISSEP2015, author="Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna", title="Is coding the way to go?", editor="Brodnik, Andrej and Vahrenhold, Jan", booktitle="Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions", publisher="Springer International Publishing",pages="165-174", year=2015}, @inproceedings{COMPSAC2015, author="Paterson, James and Karhu, Markku and Cazzola, Walter and Illina, Irina and Law, Robert and Malchiodi, Dario and Maximiano, Marisa and Silva, Catarina", title="Experience of an International Collaborative Project with First Year Programming Students", booktitle="Proceedings of the IEEE 39th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'15)", pages="829–834", year=2015}, @book{SO-Book, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="Sistemi operativi – esercizi risolti e commentati", publisher="", year=2015}, @other{Kangourou-2014, author="Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Repetto, Lorenzo and Torelli, Mauro", title="VI Kangourou dell'Informatica 2013--2014", year=2014}, @article{TOCE2014, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro and Zecca, Luisa", title="Informatics Education in Italian Secondary School", journal="ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) – Special Issue on Computing Education in (K-12) Schools", volume="14", number="2", pages="15.1–15.6", year=2014}, @inproceedings{ISSEP2014, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro and Zecca, Luisa", title="Extracurricular Activities for Improving the Perception of Informatics in Secondary Schools", editor="Gülbahar, Yasemin and Karataş, Erinç", booktitle="Informatics in Schools. Teaching and Learning Perspectives – 7th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, September 22-25, 2014. Proceedings", publisher="Springer International Publishing",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science", pages="161–172", year=2014}, @inproceedings{ACARISS2013, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro", title="Teaching Informatics for Fun and Profit", editor="Raschi, A. and Di Fabio, A. and Sebastiani, L.", booktitle="Proceedings of the International Workshop on Science Education and Guidance in Schools: The Way Forward", publisher="Edizioni ETS",pages="125–128", year=2014}, @inproceedings{WIRN2013, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Legnani, Tommaso", title="Avoiding the Cluster Hypothesis in SV Classification of Partially Labeled Data", editor="Bassis, Simone and Esposito, Anna and Morabito, Francesco", booktitle="Recent Advances of Neural Networks Models and Applications. Proceedings of the 23nd Workshop of the Italian Neural Networks Society (SIREN), May 23-25, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy", publisher="Springer",series="Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies", pages="33-40", year=2014}, @inproceedings{WILF2013, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Pedrycz, Witold", title="Learning Membership Functions for Fuzzy Sets through Modified Support Vector Clustering", editor="Masulli, Francesco and Pasi, Gabriella and Yager, Ronald", booktitle="Fuzzy Logic and Applications. 10th International Workshop, WILF 2013, Genoa, Italy, November 19–22, 2013. Proceedings.", publisher="Springer International Publishing, Switzerland",series="Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence", pages="52–59", year=2013}, @other{Kangourou-2013, author="Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro", title="V Kangourou dell'Informatica 2012--2013. Testi, soluzioni e commenti", year=2013}, @article{COGCOM-2013, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Taylor, John", title="Learning by Gossip: A Principled Information Exchange Model in Social Networks", journal="Cognitive Computation", volume="5", number="3", pages="327-339", year=2013}, @inproceedings{ISSEP2013, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro", title="What you see is what you have in mind: constructing mental models for formatted text processing", editor="Diethelm, Ira and Arndt, Jannik and Dünnebier, Malte and , Jörn syrbe", booktitle="Informatics in Schools: Local Proceedings of the 6th International Conference ISSEP 2013 - Selected Papers", publisher="Universitätsverlag Potsdam",series="Commentarii informaticae didacticae", pages="139-147", year=2013}, @inproceedings{MIUGM-2013, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="MUT: un framework di test automatico per Wolfram Mathematica", booktitle="Mathematica Italia User Group Meeting 2013 - Atti del Convegno", publisher="Adalta",year=2013}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2012, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="An interpretation of the boundary movement method for imbalanced dataset classification based on data quality", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Esposito, Anna and Morabito, Francesco", booktitle="Neural Nets and Surroundings. 22nd Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN 2012, May 17-19 2012, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy", publisher="Springer",series="Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 19", pages="21-27", year=2013}, @inproceedings{WIPSCE2012, author="Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro", title="Exploring the processing of formatted texts by a kynesthetic approach", booktitle="WiPSCE'12 Proceedings of the 7th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education ", publisher="ACM",pages="143-144", year=2012}, @other{Kangourou-2012, author="Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro", title="Kangourou dell'Informatica 2012", year=2012}, @inproceedings{MIUGM-2011, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="Scrivi anche tu un libro con Mathematica!", booktitle="Mathematica Italia User Group Meeting 2011 - Atti del Convegno", publisher="Adalta",year=2011}, @article{NA-2010, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Valerio, Lorenzo", title="Relevance regression learning with support vector machines", journal="Nonlinear Analysis", volume="73", pages="2855-2867", year=2010}, @article{TCS-2010, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario and Zoppis, Italo", title="Playing monotone games to understand learning behaviors", journal="Theoretical Computer Science", volume="411", number="25", pages="2384-2405", year=2010}, @inproceedings{MIUGM-2010, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Re, Matteo and Valentini, Giorgio", title="Uso di Mathematica per la classificazione di dati di qualità variabile", booktitle="Mathematica Italia User Group Meeting - Atti del Convegno 2010", publisher="Adalta",year=2010}, @software{yaplf, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="yaplf: yet another python learning framework", year=2010}, @article{NA-2009-ABM, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Compatible worlds", journal="Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications", volume="71", number="12", pages="e2883-e2901", year=2009}, @article{IJCIS-2009, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="An experimental analysis of the impact of accuracy degradation in SVM classification", journal="International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies", volume="1", number="2", pages="163-190", year=2009}, @inproceedings{MIUGM-2009-BM, author="Bulgheroni, Maria and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Mathematica per l'introduzione dei rudimenti della programmazione nelle scuole superiori", booktitle="Atti del Mathematica Italia User Group Meeting", publisher="Adalta",year=2009}, @inproceedings{MIUGM-2009-MBV, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Bassis, Simone and Valerio, Lorenzo", title="svMathematica: implementazione in Mathematica di algoritmi di machine learning basati su vettori di supporto", booktitle="Atti del Mathematica Italia User Group Meeting", publisher="Adalta",year=2009}, @software{svMathematica, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Bassis, Simone and Valerio, Lorenzo", title="svMathematica: a Mathematica package for SV classification and regression", year=2009}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2008, author="Malchiodi, Dario and Bassis, Simone and Valerio, Lorenzo", title="Discovering regression data quality through clustering methods", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Marinaro, Maria and Bassis, Simone", booktitle="New Directions in Neural Networks, 18th Italian Workshop on Neural Networks: WIRN 2008, 22-24 May 2008, Vietri sul Mare", publisher="IOS Press",series="FAIA-KBIES vol. 193", pages="76-85", year=2009}, @book{TPoGC, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Pedrycz, Witold and Bassis, Simone and Malchiodi, Dario", title="The Puzzle of Granular Computing", address="Berlin", publisher="Springer", series="Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 138", year=2008}, @article{NC-2008, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Malchiodi, Dario and Pedrycz, Witold", title="Interpolating Support Information Granules", journal="Neurocomputing", volume="71", pages="2433-2445", year=2008}, @article{NA-2008-ABGM, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Bootstrapping Complex Functions", journal="Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems", volume="2", number="2", pages="648-664", year=2008}, @article{NA-2008-M, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="Embedding Sample Points Uncertainty Measures in Learning Algorithms", journal="Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems", volume="2", number="2", pages="635-647", year=2008}, @inproceedings{MIUGM-2008, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="The head fake, ovvero insegnando è concesso imbrogliare", booktitle="Atti del Mathematica Italia User Group Meeting", publisher="Adalta",year=2008}, @book{FMcM, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="Fare matematica con Mathematica", address="Milano", publisher="Pearson Addison Wesley", year=2007}, @article{FEJTS-2007, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Solving complex regression problems via Algorithmic Inference: a new family of bootstrap algorithms", journal="Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics", volume="22", number="2", pages="141-180", year=2007}, @article{NatC-2007, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Clivio, Alberto and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Modeling individual's aging within a bacterial population using a pi-calculus paradigm", journal="Natural Computing", volume="6", number="1", pages="33-53", year=2007}, @article{CPD-2007, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Appreciation of medical treatments by learning underlying functions with good confidence", journal="Current Pharmaceutical Design", volume="13", number="15", pages="1545-1570", year=2007}, @inproceedings{KES-2007-AMN, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Natali, Luca", title="A Modified SVM Classification Algorithm for Data of Variable Quality", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Howlett, Robert J. and Jain, Lakhmi C.", booktitle="Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 11th International Conference, KES 2007, XVII Italian Workshop on Neural Networks, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, September 12-14, 2007. Proceedings, Part III", address="Berlin Heidelberg", publisher="Springer-Verlag",series="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4694", pages="131-139", year=2007}, @inproceedings{KES-2007-ABM, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Malchiodi, Dario", title="SVM with Random Labels", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Howlett, Robert J. and Jain, Lakhmi C.", booktitle="Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 11th International Conference, KES 2007, XVII Italian Workshop on Neural Networks, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, September 12-14, 2007. Proceedings, Part III", address="Berlin Heidelberg", publisher="Springer-Verlag",series="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4694", pages="184-193", year=2007}, @book{AI-Book, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Gaito, Sabrina", title="Algorithmic Inference in Machine Learning, 2nd Edition", address="Magill, Adelaide", publisher="Advanced Knowledge International", series="International Series on Advanced Intelligence, Vol. 5", year=2006}, @article{IEEE-SMC-2006, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Brega, Andrea and Malchiodi, Dario and Palmas, Giorgio and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="Learning Rule Representations From Data", journal="IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A", volume="36", number="5", pages="1010-1028", year=2006}, @article{NA-2006, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Elementary team strategies in a monotone game", journal="Nonlinear Analysis", volume="64", number="2", pages="310-328", year=2006}, @article{INS-2006, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario and Zoppis, Italo", title="Controlling the losing probability in a monotone game", journal="Information Sciences", volume="176", number="10", pages="1395-1416", year=2006}, @inproceedings{MDAI-2006, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Embedding sample points relevance in SVM linear classification", editor="Torra, Vincenc and Narukawa, Yasuo and Valls, Aïda and Domingo-Ferrer, Josep", booktitle="MDAI 2006 - Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence", address="Tarragona", publisher="Universitat Rovira I Virgili",year=2006}, @inproceedings{ICANN-2006, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Malchiodi, Dario and Pedrycz, Witold", title="Interpolating Support Information Granules", editor="Kollias, Stefanos and Stafylopatis, Andreas and Duch, Wlodzislaw and Oja, Erkki>", booktitle="Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2006 - 16th International Conference, Athens, Greece, September 10-14, 2006, Proceedings, Part II", address="Berlin/Heidelberg", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4132", pages="270-281", year=2006}, @inproceedings{IMS-2006, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="Implementing an XML-RPC client in Mathematica", editor="Autin, Bruno and Papegay, Yves", booktitle="eProceedings of the 8th International Mathematica Symposium", address="Rocquencourt, France", publisher="INRIA",year=2006}, @software{neosAPI, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="The Mathematica neosAPI package", year=2006}, @software{xmlRpc, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="xmlRpc: remotely executing code within Mathematica", year=2006}, @software{base64, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="A Mathematica bae64 package", year=2006}, @inproceedings{HIS-2005, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Brega, Andrea and Malchiodi, Dario", title="BICA: a Boolean Independent Component Analysis Algorithm", editor="Nedjah, Nadia and Mourelle, Luiza M. and B. R. Vellasco, Marley M. and Abraham, Ajith and Köppen, Mario", booktitle="Proceedings of HIS 2005: Fifth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems", publisher="IEEE Computer Society",pages="131-136", year=2005}, @inproceedings{ICNNB-2005, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Tight Bounds for SVM Classification Error", editor="Zhao, Mingsheng and Shi, ZhangZhi", booktitle="Proceedings - 2005 International Conference on Neural Network & Brain (ICNN&B'05)", publisher="IEEE Press",pages="5-8", year=2005}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2005-AIMP, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Iannizzi, Domenico and Malchiodi, Dario and Pedrycz, Witold", title="Granular Regression", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Marinaro, Maria and Nicosia, Giuseppe and Tagliaferri, Roberto", booktitle="Neural Nets. 16th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN 2005 and International Workshop on Natural and Artificial Immune Systems, NAIS 2005. Vietri sul Mare, Italy, June 2005", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3931", year=2005}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2005-ACBGM, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Clivio, Alberto and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="An Evolution Hypothesis of Bacterial Populations", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Marinaro, Maria and Nicosia, Giuseppe and Tagliaferri, Roberto", booktitle="Neural Nets. 16th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN 2005 and International Workshop on Natural and Artificial Immune Systems, NAIS 2005. Vietri sul Mare, Italy, June 2005", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3931", pages="214-230", year=2005}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2004-ABGMM, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario and Minora, Alberto", title="Computing confidence intervals for the risk ofa SVM classifier through algorithmic inference", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Marinaro, Maria and Tagliaferri, Roberto", booktitle="Biological and Artificial Intelligence Environments", publisher="Springer",pages="225-234", year=2005}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2004-ABGIM, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Iannizzi, Domenico and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Learning continuous functions through a new linear regression method", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Marinaro, Maria and Tagliaferri, Roberto", booktitle="Biological and Artificial Intelligence Environments", publisher="Springer",pages="235-243", year=2005}, @inproceedings{EWADP-2005, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Appreciation of medical treatments through confidence intervals", editor="Biganzoli, Elia and Boracchi, Patrizia and Duca, Piergiorgio and Ifeachor, Emmanuel", booktitle="Proceedings of the 1t European Workshop on the Assessment of Diagnostic Performance", publisher="RCE Edizioni",pages="165-174", year=2005}, @bookchapter{CIMP-2005, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Brega, Andrea and Malchiodi, Dario and Orovas, Christos and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="A Fuzzy Method for Learning Simple Boolean Formulas from Examples", editor="Halgamuge, Saman K. and Wang, Lipo", booktitle="Computational Intelligence for Modelling and Prediction", publisher="Springer", series="Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 2", chapter="26", pages="367-382", note="extended version of FSKD-2002", year=2005}, @article{IEEE-NN-2004, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Esposito, Anna and Malchiodi, Dario and Orovas, Christos and Palmas, Giorgio and Taylor, John", title="A General Framework for Learning Rules From Data", journal="IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", volume="15", number="6", pages="1333-1349", year=2004}, @inproceedings{PKDD-2004, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Brega, Andrea and Malchiodi, Dario and Mesiano, Cristian", title="Detecting Driving Awareness", editor="Boulicaut, Jean-François and Esposito, Floriana and Giannotti, Fosca and Pedreschi, Dino", booktitle="Knowledge Discovery in Databases - PKDD 2004. 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 2004. Proceedings", address="Berlin, Heidelberg", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3202", pages="528-530", note="demonstrating paper", year=2004}, @inproceedings{CIHSPS-2004, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Mesiano, Cristian", title="An Attention Monitoring System for High Demanding Operational Tasks", booktitle="Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety", publisher="IEEE Press",pages="23-29", note="invited paper", year=2004}, @inproceedings{ICANN-2003-ABMPZ, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Brega, Andrea and Malchiodi, Dario and Palmas, Giorgio and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="Learning rule representations from boolean data", editor="Kaynak, O. and Alpaydin, E. and Oja, E. and Xu, Lei", booktitle="Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing - ICANN/ICONIP 2003, Joint International Conference ICANN/ICONIP 2003, Istanbul, Turkey, June 26-29, 2003, Proceedings", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2714", pages="875-882", year=2003}, @inproceedings{DT-2003-ABBGMZ, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Brega, Andrea and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="A man-machine human interface for a special device of the pervasive computing world", editor="Kameas, Achilles and Streitz, Norbert", booktitle="Proceedings of DC Tales: Tales of the Disappearing Computer, Santorini Greece, June 1-4, 2003", publisher="CTI Press",pages="263-267", year=2003}, @inproceedings{DT-2003-ABMV, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Brega, Andrea and Malchiodi, Dario and Valcamonica, Norberto and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="A symbolic description of the awareness state in car driving", editor="Kameas, Achilles and Streitz, Norbert", booktitle="Proceedings of DC Tales: Tales of the Disappearing Computer, Santorini Greece, June 1-4, 2003", publisher="CTI Press",pages="93-96", year=2003}, @inproceedings{ICANN-2003-KTTM, author="Kasderidis, Stathis and Taylor, John and Tsapatoulis, Nicolas and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Driving Attention to the Dangerous", editor="Kaynak, O. and Alpaydin, E. and Oja, E.", booktitle="Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing - ICANN/ICONIP 2003, Joint International Conference ICANN/ICONIP 2003, Istanbul, Turkey, June 26-29, 2003, Proceedings", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2714", pages="909-916", year=2003}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2003-ABBGMZ, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Brega, Andrea and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario and Valcamonica, Norberto and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="Monitoring of car driving awareness from biosignals", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Marinaro, Maria and Tagliaferri, Roberto", booktitle="Neural Nets: 14th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN VIETRI 2003, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, June 4-7, 2003", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2859", pages="269-277", year=2003}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2003-ABGM, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Cooperative games in a stochastic environment", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Marinaro, Maria and Tagliaferri, Roberto", booktitle="Neural Nets: 14th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN VIETRI 2003, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, June 4-7, 2003", publisher="Springer",series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2859", pages="25-34", year=2003}, @article{CSR-2002, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Orovas, Christos and Palmas, Giorgio", title="From synapses to rules", journal="Cognitive Systems Research", volume="3", pages="167-201", year=2002}, @inproceedings{AMAI-2002, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Narrowing confidence interval width of PAC learning risk function by algorithmic inference", booktitle="On-line proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (Fort Lauderdale, USA, January 2-4 2002)", year=2002}, @inproceedings{FSKD-2002, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Orovas, Christos and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="Fuzzy Methods for Simplifying a Boolean Formula Inferred from Examples", editor="Wang, L. and Halgamuge, S. and Yao, X.", booktitle="FSDK'02, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery: Computational Intelligence for the E-Age, November 18-22, 2002, Orchid Country Club, Singapore, Vol. 2", publisher=" ",pages="554-558", note="extended version in CIMP-2005", year=2002}, @inproceedings{KES-2002, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Malchiodi, Dario and Gaito, Sabrina", title="Cooperative games in a stochastic environment", editor="Damiani, E. and Howlett, R. J. and Jain, L. C. and Ichalkaranje, N.", booktitle="Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies - KES 2002 (Proceedings of KES'2002: Sixth Internatinal Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Crema, Italy, September 18-19, 2002", address="Amsterdam", publisher="IOS Press/Ohmsha",series="Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", pages="296-300", year=2002}, @inproceedings{WIRN-2001, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Gaito, Sabrina and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="Twisting features with properties", editor="Marinaro, Maria and Tagliaferri, Roberto", booktitle="Neural Nets WIRN Vietri-01: Proceedings of the 12th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, 17-19 May, 2001", publisher="Springer",series="Perspectives in Neural Computing", pages="301-312", year=2002}, @bookchapter{FTR-2002-1, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Statistical bases for learning", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Kurfess, Franz", booktitle="From synapses to rules. Discovering symbolic rules from neural processed data", address="New York", publisher="Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers", chapter="1", pages="5-40", year=2002}, @bookchapter{FTR-2002-2, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Gaito, Sabrina and Iannizzi, Domenico and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Learning regression functions", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Kurfess, Franz", booktitle="From synapses to rules. Discovering symbolic rules from neural processed data", address="New York", publisher="Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers", chapter="3", pages="61-73", year=2002}, @bookchapter{FTR-2002-3, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Bassis, Simone and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Cooperative games in a stochastic environment", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Kurfess, Franz", booktitle="From synapses to rules. Discovering symbolic rules from neural processed data", address="New York", publisher="Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers", chapter="4", pages="75-86", year=2002}, @bookchapter{FTR-2002-4, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Orovas, Christos and Zanaboni, Anna Maria", title="Fuzzy methods for simplifying a Boolean formula inferred from examples", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Kurfess, Franz", booktitle="From synapses to rules. Discovering symbolic rules from neural processed data", address="New York", publisher="Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers", chapter="7", pages="117-128", year=2002}, @bookchapter{FTR-2002-5, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Gaito, Sabrina and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Learning and checking confidence regions for the hazard function of biomedical data", editor="Apolloni, Bruno and Kurfess, Franz", booktitle="From synapses to rules. Discovering symbolic rules from neural processed data", address="New York", publisher="Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers", chapter="13", pages="251-260", year=2002}, @article{TCS-2001, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Gaining degrees of freedom in subsymbolic learning", journal="Theoretical Computer Science", volume="255", pages="295-321", year=2001}, @inproceedings{ICINASTe-2001, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario", title="Twisting statistics with properties", editor="Morazevich, A. N. and Levashenko, V. G. and Zaitseva, E. N. and Ichalkaranje, N.", booktitle="Proceedings of ICINASTe 2001: Internatinal Conference on Information, Networks and System Technlogies (Minsk, Belarus, October 2-4, 2001)", address="Minsk", publisher="BSEU",pages="48-56", year=2001}, @inproceedings{ECAI-2000, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Orovas, Christos and Palmas, Giorgio", title="From synapses to rules", booktitle="Workshop notes of ECAI 2000: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Workshop of connectionist-symbolic integration: representation, paradigm and algorithms (Berlin, Germany, 2000)", year=2000}, @thesis{MALCHIODI-2000, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="Algorithmic approach to the statistical inference of non-Boolean function classes", institution="Università degli Studi di Milano", type="PhD thesis in Computational Mathematics and Operations Research", year=2000"}, @article{InterStat-1997, author="Apolloni, Bruno and Malchiodi, Dario and Taylor, John", title="Functional bootstrap: a hardware constrained implementation of on-line bootstrap", journal="InterStat", volume="October", year=1997}, @thesis{MALCHIODI-1996, author="Malchiodi, Dario", title="Algoritmi di apprendimento per reti neurali non standard", institution="Università degli Studi di Milano", type="MSc thesis in Computer Science (in Italian)", year=1996"},