Results of the written test of 23/01/2012

Grades are expressed in the 0-30 range. The mention “Session jump” refers to students who, because of a grade severely insufficient, will not be admitted to the next written test.

Student ID Result Note
722831 away
756508 away
758837 NO
760759 withdraw
765509 NO session jump
770557 away
773897 withdraw
774043 NO
774259 away
775344 withdraw
775692 18
783630 20
789919 away
792201 withdraw
793170 withdraw
793485 away
793548 away
793747 NO
794253 NO
794401 29
794765 withdraw
794898 withdraw
795691 away
797108 withdraw
798164 18
800281 26
803265 NO
803680 withdraw
807307 withdraw