Dario Malchiodi
Università degli Studi di Milano unimi
(associate professor)
(visiting scientist)
Data Science Research Centre DSRC
(scientific board)
first . last at unimi . it
News |
25/07/2024 teaching AMD Joint project for the «Algorithms for massive datasets» and «Statistical methods for machine learning» courses (Master in Computer Science) The description of a joint project for the courses «Algorithms for massive datasets» and «Statistical methods for machine learrning» for the Master in «Computer Science» is available. |
04/07/2024 teaching SAD July oral tests of Statistics and data analysis Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 1/7 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Friday 5/7 at 9:30 (classroom Beta), on Monday 8/7 at 9:30 (meeting room on the fifth floor), and on Thursday 11/7 at 9:30 (meeting room on the fifth floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 11/7 at 14:30 in the meeting room on the fifth floor. |
25/06/2024 teaching SAD Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July 1st, 2024 The Statistics and data analytics written test of 1/7 will take place in the classrooms delta, tau and gamma of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants can bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
14/06/2024 teaching SAD June oral tests of Statistics and data analysis Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 12/6 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Friday 14/6 at 9:00 and 14:00 (sala riunioni quinto piano), and on Monday 17/6 at 8:30 (sala riunioni quinto piano) and 14:00 (lab. magistrale quinto piano). The public correction of the exam will take place on 17/6 at the end of the oral exams. |
Teaching activities
Bachelor, master and PhD
- Algorithms for massive data (DSE) @unimi master 2022-23 – 2023-24
- Algorithms for massive datasets @unimi master 2022-23 – 2023-24
- Deep learning in bioinformatics @unimi PhD 2023-24
- Efficacy and efficiency evaluation of machine learning models @unimi PhD 2023-24
- Statistics and data analytics @unimi bachelor 2022-23 – 2023-24
Research areas
- Data-driven induction of fuzzy sets
- Compression of machine learning models
- Mining of knowledge bases in semantic Web
- Negative example selection in bioinformatics
- ML-based COVID-19 risk prediction
- Application of ML in veterinary and forensics
- Popularization of informatics culture