Results of the written test of 21/06/2011

Oral tests will be held at the Department of Computer Science, according to the schedule below.

The day of oral test is shown next to the admitted students' ID.

Student ID Result Oral test date
722831 away
755793 away
756900 withdraw
757379 admitted 28/06
757915 fail
758471 withdraw
763823 withdraw
773769 fail
773905 admitted 28/06
773930 admitted 28/06
773940 withdraw
774174 admitted 28/06
774832 fail
775194 away
775330 admitted 29/06
775490 withdraw
775602 fail
775976 away
782311 admitted 29/06
785136 withdraw
785279 admitted 29/06
785567 admitted 29/06
786174 away
786463 withdraw
787229 withdraw
789919 away