Results of the written test of 14/06/2012

Oral tests will be held at the Department of Computer Science, according to the schedule below.

The day of oral test is shown next to the admitted students' ID.

Student ID Result Oral test date
672544 admitted 21/06
678601 admitted 21/06
682424 fail
694396 fail
711236 fail
714291 admitted 21/06
714336 admitted 21/06
715683 fail
730601 admitted 25/06
733145 admitted 25/06
743060 fail
755773 fail
755903 fail
757807 fail
758553 fail
773959 fail
792201 fail
793485 admitted 25/06
793938 admitted 25/06
794401 admitted 25/06
795000 fail
800268 fail
801278 fail
802220 fail