Results of the written test of 16/01/2014

Oral tests will be held at the Department of Computer Science, according to the schedule below.

Student ID Result Oral test date
682424 fail
720154 withdraw
722155 withdraw
722831 withdraw
739767 admitted 24/01 14:30
746631 admitted 24/01 14:30
748237 away
748368 admitted 24/01 14:30
749553 away
755834 fail
760290 fail
760759 admitted 24/01 14:30
774832 away
775194 withdraw
775370 away
775533 away
775707 away
776319 withdraw
776530 fail
781766 fail
785204 withdraw
785567 admitted 24/01 14:30
809971 away
810797 withdraw
818532 withdraw
825480 withdraw
825481 away