Results of the written test of 20/06/2014

Oral tests will be held at the Department of Computer Science, according to the schedule below.

The day of oral test is shown next to the admitted students' ID. The term «with reservation» indicates a not fully sufficient written test, and therefore we recommend students to present to oral test only against a solid background in basic subjects.

Student ID Result Oral test date Note
655948 away
682424 fail
700621 away
706483 away
715409 withdraw
720032 away
720154 withdraw
722831 admitted 01/07 9:30
739075 fail
739767 fail
740575 fail session skip
748237 withdraw
749553 away
750184 withdraw
752360 admitted 30/06 9:30
752360 withdraw
755791 fail
755834 away
756598 withdraw
758837 fail
760290 fail
765509 away
773897 away
773940 away
774186 admitted 30/06 14:30
774832 away
775194 admitted 01/07 9:30
775370 away
775533 admitted 01/07 9:30
775602 withdraw
776133 admitted 01/07 9:30
781766 withdraw
792442 fail
792721 away
793845 withdraw
794289 admitted 30/06 14:30
794592 fail
794765 admitted 30/06 14:30
794768 away
794898 away
796118 withdraw
797108 fail
799303 withdraw
801574 withdraw
801749 admitted 30/06 14:30
803780 fail
804241 away
805253 withdraw
806705 withdraw
806819 away
807050 fail
807898 away
809971 away
810982 away
814116 withdraw
822407 admitted 30/06 9:30
827872 admitted 30/06 14:30
828053 withdraw
828096 admitted 30/06 9:30
828479 admitted 30/06 9:30
828579 withdraw
828910 withdraw
828971 withdraw
828975 withdraw
829306 withdraw
829356 withdraw
829426 admitted 30/06 9:30
829652 fail
829723 withdraw
829927 admitted 30/06 9:30
830529 withdraw
830537 fail
830624 withdraw
831137 away
831738 withdraw
831784 withdraw
831980 withdraw
833080 fail session skip
833551 away
834069 away
839166 away
839570 fail
840058 away
840120 admitted 30/06 14:30
841566 away