Results of the written test of 19/01/2015

Oral tests will be held at the Department of Computer Science, according to the schedule below.

The day of oral test is shown next to the admitted students' ID. The term «with reservation» indicates a not fully sufficient written test, and therefore we recommend students to present to oral test only against a solid background in basic subjects.

Student ID Result Oral test date Note
655948 fail
682424 away
683168 fail
700621 fail
715409 fail
746513 fail
748237 fail
749778 fail
750184 admitted 23/1 10:00 with reservation
756598 fail
760290 admitted 23/1 14:30
765509 away
773940 withdraw
775449 fail
775707 away
777054 fail
782124 away
785697 admitted 23/1 10:00
786563 admitted 23/1 14:30
788126 fail
792704 away
793561 fail
793816 admitted 23/1 14:30
793845 admitted 23/1 10:00
794063 away
795653 admitted 23/1 14:30 with reservation
795670 fail
795691 fail
804241 withdraw
806634 admitted 23/1 14:30 with reservation
809996 admitted 23/1 10:00
810404 admitted 23/1 10:00 with reservation
812615 away
812971 fail
814713 away
818532 admitted 23/1 14:30
818617 away
823479 withdraw
828500 fail
828640 away
829910 admitted 23/1 14:30
830122 withdraw
830152 fail
830944 admitted 23/1 10:00
832095 fail
833551 away
841566 away
841945 admitted 23/1 10:00