Results of the written test of 20/07/2015

Oral tests will be held at the Department of Computer Science, according to the schedule below.

The day of oral test is shown next to the admitted students' ID. The term «with reservation» indicates a not fully sufficient written test, and therefore we recommend students to present to oral test only against a solid background in basic subjects, with specific reference to concurrent programming.

Student ID Result Oral test date Note
T08306 away
T08044 away
715028 fail session skip
748237 away
749172 withdraw
749553 fail
749778 withdraw
756598 withdraw
766052 fail
773897 away
773940 away
774621 admitted 24/7 8:30
775344 away
775449 fail
776001 away
777054 fail
777443 admitted 27/7 9:30
782124 admitted 27/7 9:30
785053 away
785136 fail
785271 fail
788940 away
792442 admitted 24/7 8:30
792704 away
792721 admitted 27/7 14:30 with reservation
793313 admitted 27/7 9:30
793561 away
793747 admitted 27/7 9:30 with reservation
793777 admitted 27/7 14:30
794945 admitted 24/7 8:30
798047 admitted 27/7 14:30 with reservation
801272 away
802220 withdraw
805412 away
806705 away
807235 away
808627 withdraw
810179 away
810271 admitted 27/7 14:30 with reservation
810273 fail
810290 admitted 27/7 14:30 with reservation
810407 admitted 24/7 8:30 with reservation
810551 fail
810982 away
811088 fail session skip
811290 admitted 24/7 8:30
811325 withdraw
811524 away
811629 away
811758 away
811950 away
814713 away
817760 away
819300 withdraw
819826 fail
820173 away
826242 withdraw
828180 admitted 24/7 8:30 with reservation
828498 away
828539 admitted 27/7 9:30 with reservation
828640 away
829461 away
830300 away
834392 withdraw
836715 admitted 24/7 8:30
840364 away
842934 admitted 27/7 14:30
855274 withdraw
855409 away
856063 fail
856636 fail
856778 admitted 24/7 8:30
857196 away
857455 admitted 27/7 9:30 with reservation
857507 admitted 27/7 14:30 with reservation
858506 withdraw
858881 away
859165 admitted 24/7 8:30