BSc in Digital communication (Università degli Studi di Milano)

2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04

This laboratory shows the practical bases of object oriented programming.


Lectures are in italian.

Course schedule

Lectures will take according to the following schedule:

Day Hour Place
Monday 16:30 - 19:30 Aula Sigma (via Comelico)
Tuesday 8:30 - 11:30 Aula V2 (via Venezian)
Wednesday 14:30 - 17:30 Aula Sigma (via Venezian)

Any change to the schedule will be announced in class and published in paragraph News of this page.

Office hours

By appointment, room 5015 of the Computer Science Department. It is possible contact the teacher by e-mail, taking care to read in advance the guide prepared by Prof. Sebastiano Vigna and clearly specifying in the message the course name and the academic year. In particular, students are encouraged to always use their academic address (i.e. based on the domain signing with name and student ID number and recalling that the response time may vary depending on the teacher commitments.

Course material

The course is based on the textbook: G. Pighizzini e M. Ferrari, Dai fondamenti agli oggetti. Corso di programmazione JAVA, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2005 (ISBN: 9788871922508).


The course explains the topics listed in the lecture calendar.

Lectures calendar

Date Topic
13/10/2005 Course presentation and information encoding
18/10/2005 Operating systems, Boolean logic and circuits
25/10/2005 Algorithms
02/11/2005 Installation of the Java SDK (aula V2)
08/11/2005 First Java programs
15/11/2005 Branching and loops
22/11/2005 Data, variables and expressions
29/11/2005 Strings and arrays
13/12/2005 Classes, inheritance and polymorphism
20/12/2005 Implementation of a complex system 1
21/12/2005 Implementation of a complex system 2 (aula V2)
10/01/2006 Files and class implementation
17/01/2006 Exceptions
23/01/2006 Project presentation
24/01/2006 Recursion

Exam modalities

The exam consists in a project to be implemented in group of at most three people.