Evaluations of project “Monopoli”

Discussions of the admitted projects will be held in aula 4 at the Computer science Department, in via Comelico 39. Students willing to discuss their project in January should contact the teacher.

Student ID Result Oral test date
656044–656247 admitted 28/09 10:00
659937–696139–693003 admitted 28/09 10:00
672580–682432 admitted 28/09 10:00
719666–717171–700718–716187 admitted 28/09 10:00
716504–711405 admitted 28/09 14:30
713373–717788–715023 admitted 28/09 14:30
714521–715896 fail
710897–716709 fail
658980 fail
718720 admitted 28/09 14:30