Evaluations of project “HTMLValidator”

Discussions of the admitted projects will be held in Aula 4 at the Computer science Department, in Via Comelico 39. Projects not listed here have been corrected by Prof. Cazzola. Students whose projects are marked with an asterisk should show up at the next office hours.

Student ID Result Oral test date Note
645892–678373–731015 fail
657243–658743–658980 admitted 25/02 9.30
672427–673384 fail
675038–700319–720032 admitted 25/02 9.30
696158–710897 fail
697013–713973–716709 fail
714521–715896 admitted 25/02 9.30
722145–723592–726059 fail *
722155–729990–732193 fail *
722441–723897–732227 fail *
722665–726942–735043 fail
722902–723157–727978 admitted 25/02 14.30
723057–724149–732342 fail
723226–729424 fail *
724411–731729–732599 fail *
725142–725890 fail
726086–728079 fail *
726886–730268 admitted 25/02 14.30
729101–733694 fail *
730735–731561–732350 admitted 25/02 14.30
733019–736474 fail
659316 fail
722176 admitted 25/02 9.30
723085 fail
723320 fail
724453 fail
724880 fail
727133 admitted 25/02 14.30