MSc in Mathematics (Università degli Studi di Milano)

2015-16 2013-14 2011-12

This course explains advanced techniques for object oriented programming and software design.


Date Info
06/06/2016 Office hours canceled
Starting Monday 06/13, regular office hour are canceled until next semester; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail.
01/05/2016 Office hours canceled for two weeks
Office hours in the next two weeks are canceled; students can contact the teacher via e-mail.
16/02/2016 Office hours of February 22nd canceled
The office hours of February 22nd are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail.
18/01/2016 Computer programming 3 project – update
An updated version of the project text is available, specifying how use packages.
07/01/2016 Computer programming 3 project
The project textis available. Students should send via e-mail their source code and take an appointment.
03/12/2015 Schedule change for the Computer programming 3 class of 12/4
Class of Friday 12/4 is postponed to Friday 12/11.
01/10/2015 Office hours for the fall semester
Office hours for the fall semester will be during Monday on 14:30 in the teacher's office, starting from 5/10.


Lectures are in italian.

Course schedule

Lectures will take place at the Mathematics department, according to the following tentative schedule:

Day Hour Place
Tuesday 13:30 - 15:30 aula 4
Friday 13:30 - 16:30 aula 2

Any change to the schedule will be announced in class and published in paragraph News of this page.

Office hours

By appointment, room 5015 of the Computer Science Department. It is possible contact the teacher by e-mail, taking care to read in advance the guide prepared by Prof. Sebastiano Vigna and clearly specifying in the message the course name and the academic year. In particular, students are encouraged to always use their academic address (i.e. based on the domain signing with name and student ID number and recalling that the response time may vary depending on the teacher commitments.

Course material

The part on design patterns is based on the book: Partha Kuchana, Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java, Auerbach Publications (ISBN: 0849321425).

The part on the Java Collections Framework is based on the tutorial from Sun.

The part on concurrent programming is based on the tutorial from Sun.

The part on SWT is based on the tutorials about basic widgets and layout managers from the University of Manitoba.

The part on MVC is based on the initial part of Building Graphical User Interfaces with the MVC Pattern, although the code shown in class implements the same examples using different techniques and exploiting the SWT library. The used widgets are explained in the tutorial about advanced widgets from the University of Manitoba.

The part on serialization is based on the tutorial by Todd Greanier.

The part of generics is based on the basic and advanced tutorials from Sun.

The part on networks programming is based on the first three sections of the tutorial from Sun.

The part on HTML document analysis is based on the tutorial of Scott Violet.

The part on regular expression is based on the tutorial from Sun.


The course explains the topics listed in the lecture calendar, covering the textbook contents in chapters 2, 10-20, 22-26, 29-36, as well as in the tutorials listed in section Course material.


Lectures calendar


Exam modalities

The exam consists in the implementation of an individual project, to be presented by appointment.