Results of the written test of 06/07/2012

Oral tests will be held at the Department of Computer Science, according to the schedule below.

The day of oral test is shown next to the admitted students' ID. The term «with reservation» indicates a not fully sufficient written test, and therefore we recommend students to present to oral test only against a solid background in basic subjects.

Student ID Result Oral test date Note
672544 withdraw
676242 away
677894 withdraw
682424 fail
683168 withdraw
694396 withdraw
711081 away
711236 fail
715683 fail
715896 withdraw
715983 away
723511 withdraw
726526 withdraw
730601 admitted 11/7 with reservation
730735 withdraw
733910 admitted 11/7 with reservation
739075 away
739325 away
741472 withdraw
741542 withdraw
743060 admitted 11/7
746513 away
752076 fail
755773 admitted 11/7 with reservation
755899 admitted 11/7
755903 admitted 11/7 with reservation
758041 admitted 12/7
758553 withdraw
765099 fail
771598 withdraw
773959 withdraw
774335 withdraw
774832 fail
775531 away
776120 fail
776319 away
782311 away
783090 fail
783597 away
784702 away
792201 withdraw
792305 admitted 12/7
792619 away
792875 admitted 12/7
793735 admitted 12/7
794253 away
794401 admitted 12/7 with reservation
794898 withdraw
795000 admitted 12/7 with reservation
796323 withdraw
796420 away
797206 withdraw
800268 withdraw
800281 withdraw
801528 withdraw
802220 withdraw