Results of the written test of 26/11/2012

Oral tests will take place in aula 6 of the Computer science Department.

The mention “Session jump” refers to students who, because of a grade severely insufficient, will not be admitted to the next written test.

Student ID Result Oral test date Note
658184 withdraw
672544 withdraw
677894 fail
682424 withdraw
694396 withdraw
700621 away
711236 withdraw
715683 withdraw
715896 withdraw
722155 away
723511 fail
725188 away
726059 away
730601 away
736474 fail
739075 away
739513 fail session skip
742188 fail
742254 fail session skip
742604 fail
746631 withdraw
750184 away
757026 fail
765099 fail
774292 admitted 5/12 9:30
774335 withdraw
775586 admitted 5/12 9:30
776682 admitted 5/12 16:30
782311 away
786960 admitted 5/12 16:30
789919 withdraw
793808 admitted 5/12 9:30
795405 admitted 5/12 16:30
796323 away
800281 admitted 5/12 9:30
801278 admitted 5/12 16:30