Date | News |
03/03/2025 |
February oral tests of Statistics and data
analysis (second call) teaching SAD The oral tests of Statistics and data analysis for the second call of the february session will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Friday 7/3 at 9:30 (sala riunioni on the fifth floor) and 15:30 (lab. magistrale on the fifth floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 7/3 after the end of the oral exams. |
07/02/2025 |
February oral tests of Statistics and data
analysis (first call) teaching SAD The oral tests of Statistics and data analysis for the first call of the february session will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Tuesday 11/2 at 14:30 (sala riunioni on the fourth floor) and on Wednesday 12/2 at 10:30 (lab. magistrale on the fifth floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 12/2 after the end of the oral exams. |
03/02/2025 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive data»
module (Master DSE) teaching AMD-DSE The description of the projects for the module «Algorithms for massive data» for the Master in «Data Science for Economics» is available. |
22/01/2025 |
teaching SAD AMD The pages for the 2024/25 courses on Statistics and data analytics and Algorithms for massive datasets are available. |
17/01/2025 |
January oral tests of Statistics and data
analysis teaching SAD The oral tests of Statistics and data analysis for the january session will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Friday 24/1 at 9:30 (Lab. magistrale on the fifth floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 24/1 in the lab. magistrale classroom on the fifth floor at 14:30. |
07/01/2025 |
New web page of the DSE module
«Algorithms for massive data» teaching AMD-DSE The 2024/25 academic year web page of the DSE module «Algorithms for massive data» is now available. |
04/12/2024 |
Accepted paper in the
«Journal of Cultural Heritage» research The paper «One-class vs binary machine learning classification of ceramic samples described by chemical element concentrations», which I coauthored with A.M. Zanaboni, A. Di Gioacchino and L. Bonizzoni, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Cultural Heritage. |
19/11/2024 |
Accepted poster in the «ELLIS ML for Molecules and
Materials in the Era of LLMs» workshop research The paper «In silico enzyme prediction and generation by fine tuning protein language models», wich I coauthored with M. Nicolini, E. Saitto, R. Franco, E. Cavalleri, M. Mesiti, A. Paccanaro, P. Robinson, E. Casiraghi and G. Valentini has been accepted for poster presentation at the «ELLIS ML for Molecules and Materials in the Era of LLMs» workshop. |
12/11/2024 |
Accepted paper in the
«International Journal of Legal Medicine» research The paper «Fatal fall from a height: is it possible to apply artificial intelligence techniques for height estimation?», wich I coauthored with A. Blandino, A.M. Zanaboni, M. Casali, C. Spada and C. Di Francesco, has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Legal Medicine. |
19/09/2024 |
September oral tests of Statistics and data
analysis teaching SAD The oral tests of Statistics and data analysis for the september session results will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Monday 23/9 at 9:00 (lab. magistrale on the floor), on Tuesday 24/9 at 9:30 (meeting room on the fifth floor), and on Wednesday 25/9 at 14:30 (Lab. magistrale on the fifth floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 25/9 at the end of the oral tests. |
25/07/2024 |
Joint project for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
and «Statistical methods for machine learning» courses (Master in
Computer Science) teaching AMD The description of a joint project for the courses «Algorithms for massive datasets» and «Statistical methods for machine learrning» for the Master in «Computer Science» is available. |
04/07/2024 |
July oral tests of Statistics and data
analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 1/7 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Friday 5/7 at 9:30 (classroom Beta), on Monday 8/7 at 9:30 (meeting room on the fifth floor), and on Thursday 11/7 at 9:30 (meeting room on the fifth floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 11/7 at 14:30 in the meeting room on the fifth floor. |
25/06/2024 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of July 1st, 2024 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 1/7 will take place in the classrooms delta, tau and gamma of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants can bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
14/06/2024 |
June oral tests of Statistics and data
analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 12/6 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Friday 14/6 at 9:00 and 14:00 (sala riunioni quinto piano), and on Monday 17/6 at 8:30 (sala riunioni quinto piano) and 14:00 (lab. magistrale quinto piano). The public correction of the exam will take place on 17/6 at the end of the oral exams. |
10/06/2024 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of June 12th, 2024 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 12/6 will take place in the classrooms delta, tau and lambda of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants can bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
17/05/2024 |
Last lecture of the Algorithms for massiver
datasets course teaching AMD The last lecture of Algorithms for massive datasets will be held on 29/5 in the "Lab. Laurea Magistrale" classroom on the fifth floor of the Computer science department, rather than on the 28/5 as previously announced. |
17/05/2024 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
course (Master in Computer Science) teaching AMD The description of the projects for the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» for the Master in «Computer Science» are available. A joint project with the «Statistical methods for machine learning» course will be published shortly. |
14/05/2024 |
Cancellation of the Algorithms for massive datasets lecture of 15/5 teaching AMD The Algorithms for massive datasets lecture of 15/5 is canceled. It will be held on May, 28th at 14:30 in the «Sala Consiglio» room on the 8th floor of the Computer Science Department. |
05/04/2024 |
Accepted paper at the EANN-2024 Conference research The paper «Security Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms: Hints from Machine Learning», wich I coauthored with M. Paravisi and A. Visconti, has been accepted for presentation at the EANN-2024 Conference. |
05/04/2024 |
Accepted paper at the EANN-2024 Conference research The paper «Support Vector Based Anomaly Detection in Federated Learning», wich I coauthored with M. Frasson, has been accepted for presentation at the EANN-2024 Conference. |
21/03/2024 |
Accepted paper in the «Journal of Big Data» research The paper «The role of classifiers and data complexity in learned Bloom filters: insights and recommendations», wich I coauthored with D. Raimondi, G. Fumagalli, R. Giancarlo and M. Frasca, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Big Data. |
28/02/2024 |
Schedule change for the lectures of
«Statistics and data analytics» teaching SAD Starting from March, 7th, the «Statistics and data analytics» lectures of each Thursday will take place in the G21 classroom. |
21/02/2024 |
Tutoring «Algorithms for massive datasets» (DSE) teaching AMD-DSE Students can attend five tutoring sessions, on February, 28th and on March, 6th, 13th, and 20th in classroom tau (città Studi) from 11:30 to 13:30. |
20/02/2024 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive data»
module (Master DSE) teaching AMD-DSE The description of the projects for the module «Algorithms for massive data» for the Master in «Data Science for Economics» is available. |
14/02/2024 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of February 20th, 2024 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 20/2 will take place in the classroom sigma of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants can bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
08/02/2024 |
February oral tests of Statistics and data
analysis (1st session) teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 5/2 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Monday 12/2 at 14:30 (lab. laurea magistrale, 5th floor) and on Tuesday 13/2 at 9:30 (meeting room, 3rd floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 13/2 at the end of the oral exams. |
01/02/2024 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of February 5th, 2024 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 5/2 will take place in the classroom sigma of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants can bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
23/01/2024 |
January oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 19/1 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place on the fifth floor of the Computer Science Department, at 9:30 and 14:30 on Friday 26/1 (sala riunioni) and at 9:30 on Monday 29/1 (lab. magistrale). The public correction of the exam will take place on 29/1 at the end of the oral exams. |
16/01/2024 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of January 19th, 2024 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 19/1 will take place in the classroom omega of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants can bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
12/01/2024 |
Accepted paper at the «Bioinformatics» conference research The paper «Fine-tuning of Conditional Transformers Improves the Generation of Functionally Characterized Proteins», wich I coauthored with M. Nicolini, A. Cabri, E. Cavalleri, M. Mesiti, A. Paccanaro, P. N. Robinson, J. Reese, E. Casiraghi and G. Valentini, has been accepted for presentation at the Bioinformatics 2024 conference. |
20/11/2023 |
Date change for the written test of Statistics and data analytics of January 2024 teaching SAD The written test of Statistics and data analytics of January has been postponed to 19/01/2024. |
07/11/2023 |
Accepted paper in «Frontiers in Bioinformatics» research The paper «The promises of large language models for protein design and modeling», wich I coauthored with G. Valentini, J. Gliozzo, M. Mesiti, M. Soto-Gomez, A. Cabri, J. Reese, E. Casiraghi and P. N. Robinson, has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Bioinformatics. |
17/09/2023 |
Accepted paper in «IEEE Access» research The paper «Efficient and Compact Representations of Deep Neural Networks via Entropy Coding», wich I coauthored with G. Marinò, F. Furia and M. Frasca, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. |
17/09/2023 |
September oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 13/9 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the meeting room on the fifth floor of the Computer Science Department, at 14:30 on Tuesday 19/9 and at 14:30 on Thursady 20/9. |
10/09/2023 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of September 13th, 2023 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 13/9 will take place in the classrooms omega and sigma of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants can bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
11/07/2023 |
July oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 6/7 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the fifth floor of the Computer Science Department on Thursday 13/07 (14:30, meeting room), Friday 14/07 (9:30, meeting room and 14:30, lab. magistrale), and Monday 17/07 (9:30 and 14:30, meeting room). The public correction of the written test will take place on 17/7 at the end of the oral tests. |
11/07/2023 |
Office hours change teaching SAD ADLS Starting Tuesday 11/07, office hour will be by appointment, to be organized via e-mail. |
03/07/2023 |
Accepted paper at the IAMAHA 2023 Conference research The paper «One-class vs binary classification of ceramic samples described by chemical element concentrations», wich I coauthored with A. M. Zanaboni, L. Bonizzoni and A. Di Gioacchino, has been accepted for presentation at the IAMAHA 2023 Conference. |
30/06/2023 |
Date change for the written test of Statistics and data analytics of September 2023 teaching SAD The written test of Statistics and data analytics of September has been postponed to 13/09/2023. |
30/06/2023 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of July 6th, 2023 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 6/7 will take place in the classrooms omega and sigma of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
26/06/2023 |
June oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 22/6 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Compunter Science Department on Wednesday 28/06 (14:00, lab. magistrale 5th floor), Thursday 29/06 (9:00, sala riunioni 4th floor, 14:00, sala riunioni 5th floor), Friday 30/06 (9:00, lab. magistrale 5th floor) and Monday 03/07 (9:00 e 14:30, lab. magistrale 5th floor). The public correction of the written test will take place on 3/7 at the end of the oral tests. |
21/06/2023 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of June 22nd, 2023 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 22/6 will take place in the classrooms delta and gamma of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation. |
20/06/2023 |
Accepted paper at the ICBRA 2023 Conference research The paper «Resource-Limited Automated Ki67 Index Estimation in Breast Cancer», wich I coauthored with J. Gliozzo, G. Marinò, A. Bonometti and M. Frasca, has been accepted for presentation at the ICBRA 2023 Conference. |
09/06/2023 |
Joint project for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
and «Statistical methods for machine learning» courses (Master in
Computer Science) teaching AMD The description of a joint project for the courses «Algorithms for massive datasets» and «Statistical methods for machine learrning» for the Master in «Computer Science» is available. |
14/06/2023 |
Office hours on June, 15th teaching AMD SAD The office hours of June, 15th are canceled. |
07/06/2023 |
Office hours on June, 8th teaching AMD SAD The office hours of June, 8th will take place remotely, using the address |
16/05/2023 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
course (Master in Computer Science) teaching AMD The description of the projects for the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» for the Master in «Computer Science» are available. A joint project with the «Statistical methods for machine learning» course will be published shortly. |
03/04/2023 |
Cancellation of the Statistics and data analytics lecture of 13/4 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics lecture of 13/4 is canceled. It will be held later during the course. |
31/03/2023 |
Date change for the written test of Statistics and data analytics of June and July 2023 teaching SAD The written test of Statistics and data analytics of June and July have been postponed to 22/06/2023 and to 06/07/2023. |
29/03/2023 |
Accepted paper at the EANN-2023 Conference research The paper «A Critical Analysis of Classifier Selection in Learned Bloom Filters: the Essentials», wich I coauthored with D. Raimondi, G. Fumagalli, R. Giancarlo and M. Frasca, has been accepted for presentation at the EANN-2023 Conference. |
29/03/2023 |
Accepted paper in «Journal of Archaeological Science:
Reports» research The paper «Supervised learning algorithms as a tool for archaeology: classification of ceramic samples described by chemical element concentrations», wich I coauthored with G. Ruschioni, A. M. Zanaboni and L. Bonizzoni, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. |
28/03/2023 |
Schedule change for the Apr, 4th lecture of
«Statistics and data analytics» teaching SAD The «Statistics and data analytics» lecture of 04/04 will start at 11:00. |
22/03/2023 |
Classroom change for the lectures teaching AMD Starting March 28th, he lectures of the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» will take place in the classrooms V8 (on Tuesday) and 304 (on Wednesday), from 14:30 till 16:30. |
16/03/2023 |
Office hours on March, 23rd teaching AMD SAD The office hours of March, 23rd are canceled. |
03/03/2023 |
Date change for the written test of Statistics and data analytics of June 2023 teaching SAD The written test of Statistics and data analytics of June has been postponed to 16/06/2023. |
22/02/2023 |
February oral tests of Statistics and data analysis (2nd session) teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 20/2 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Meeting room on the fifth floor of the Compunter Science Department on 1/3 (9:30) and on 3/3 (14:00). The public correction of the written test will take place on 3/3 at the end of the oral tests. |
19/02/2023 |
Tutoring «Algorithms for massive datasets» (DSE) teaching AMD-DSE Students can attend five tutoring sessions, on February 20th, 27th and 28th and on March, 7th and 13th, in classroom 22 (via Conservatorio) from 14:30 to 16:30. |
15/02/2023 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive data»
module (Master DSE) teaching AMD-DSE The description of the projects for the module «Algorithms for massive data» for the Master in «Data Science for Economics» is available. |
14/02/2023 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of February 20th, 2023 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 20/2 will take place in the classroom Omega of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation. The use of FFP2 masks is strongly advised. |
08/02/2023 |
February oral tests of Statistics and data analysis (1st session) teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 6/2 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Lab. Laurea magistrale classroom on the fifth floor of the Compunter Science Department on 13/2 (14:30) and on 14/2 (9:00). The public correction of the written test will take place on 14/2 at the end of the oral tests. |
01/02/2023 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of February 6th, 2023 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 6/2 will take place in the classroom Omega of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation. The use of FFP2 masks is strongly advised. |
24/01/2023 |
January oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 19/1 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Compunter Science Department on 26/1 (9:00, Lab. Laurea magistrale fifth floor) and on 30/1 (9:00, classroom Epsilon). The public correction of the written test will take place on 30/1 at the end of the oral tests. |
18/01/2023 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of January 19th, 2023 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 19/1 will take place in the classroom Omega of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation. The use of FFP2 masks is strongly advised. |
23/11/2022 |
Accepted paper in «Neurocomputing» research The paper «Deep Neural Networks Compression: a comparative survey and choice recommendations», wich I coauthored with G. Marinò, A. Petrini and M. Frasca, has been accepted for publication in Neurocomputing. |
24/10/2022 |
Accepted paper in «Informatics in Education» research The paper «Designing a Master Course on Architectures for Big Data: A Collaboration Between University and Industry», wich I coauthored with A. Condorelli, has been accepted for publication in Informatics in Education. |
27/09/2022 |
Welcome day for Master students teaching The Welcome day for students enrolled within the Computer Science Department will be held on Sep., 27th 2022. Starting from 14:30, I will present the Master courses taught in Italian and in English. |
14/09/2022 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of September 19th, 2022 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 19/9 will take place in the classroom Sigma of the computer science department, at 13:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation. The use of FFP2 masks is strongly advised. |
08/07/2022 |
July oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD The Statistics and data analysis oral tests for july will take place in the Computer Science department on 13/7 at 9:30 (Lab. Laurea magistrale 5° piano), on 15/7 at 14:30 (Lab. Laurea magistrale 5° piano), on 18/7 at 9:30 (Sala riunioni 5° piano), on 19/7 at 14:30 (Sala riunioni 5° piano), and on 20/7 at 9:30 (Lab. Laurea magistrale 5° piano). The public correction of the written test will take place after the oral tests of 20/7. |
29/06/2022 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of June 4th, 2022 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 4/7 will take place in the classroom Sigma of the computer science department, at 14:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation. The use of FFP2 masks is strongly advised. |
01/06/2022 |
Date change for the written test of Statistics and data analytics teaching SAD The written test of Statistics and data analytics of June has been postponed to June, 17th at 14:30 in the sigma gamma classroom of the Computer science department. |
25/05/2022 |
Joint project for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
and «Statistical methods for machine learning» courses (Master in
Computer Science) teaching AMD The description of a joint project for the courses «Algorithms for massive datasets» and «Statistical methods for machine learrning» for the Master in «Computer Science» is available. |
13/05/2022 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
course (Master in Computer Science) teaching AMD The description of the projects for the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» for the Master in «Computer Science» are available. A joint project with the «Statistical methods for machine learning» course will be published shortly. |
28/09/2021 |
Accepted paper at the FAPER workshop @ICIAP2022 research The paper «Classification of pottery fragments described by concentration of chemical elements», wich I coauthored with A. M. Zanaboni, L. Bonizzoni and G. Ruschioni, has been accepted for publication at the FAPER workshop @ICIAP2021. |
13/04/2022 |
Cancellation of the Algorithms for massive datasets lecture of 13/4 teaching AMD The lecture of 13/4 is canceled. It will be held later during the course. |
06/04/2022 |
Modality change for the 7/4 lecture of «Statistics and data analysis» teaching SAD The 7/4 lecture of the «Statistics and data analysis» will take place only remotely. |
08/03/2022 |
March deadlines for the «Algorithms for massive datasets» (DSE) exam teaching AMD-DSE The deadlines for the March session of the «Algorithms for massive datasets» (DSE) exam are modified as follows: project deadline 31/03, oral exams starting from 06/04. |
08/03/2022 |
Tutoring «Algorithms for massive datasets» (DSE) teaching AMD-DSE Starting from March 14th, students can attend five tutoring sessions. The first session will be organized in classroom Tau of the Computer Science Department at 12:30 of 14/3 and remotely on Zoom (the interested students can find the link in the Ariel page of the course). The overall schedule will be communicated during the first session. |
07/03/2022 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive data»
module (Master DSE) teaching AMD-DSE The description of the projects for the module «Algorithms for massive data» for the Master in «Data Science for Economics» is available. |
28/02/2022 |
Office hours on March, 10th teaching AMD SAD The office hours of March, 10th are canceled. |
28/02/2022 |
Office hours for the spring semester teaching AMD SAD Office hours for the spring semester will be on Thursday from 17:00 in the teacher's office, starting from 03/03. To avoid crowds during the pandemic period, students are required to schedule an appointment. |
21/02/2022 |
February oral tests (2nd session) of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD The Statistics and data analysis oral tests for february (2nd session) will take place on 23/2 at 15:30 and on 24/2 at 14:30. Students interested in attending to the tests can connect using zoom. The public correction of the written test will take place online after the oral tests of 24/2. |
13/02/2022 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of February 15th, 2022 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 15/2 will take place in the classroom Gamma of the computer science department, starting at 9:30. To avoid gatherings, students are summoned according to the initial of their surname: A-K 9:30, L-Z 9:40. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation and must wear a face mask (the use of FFP2 masks is strongly advised). |
09/02/2022 |
Classroom change for the AMD (DSE) lectures teaching AMD-DSE The lectures of the course «Algorithms for massive data» (Master DSE) planned for Feb. 28th and March, 7th will take place in the classroom MA (Via Mangiagalli 31). |
08/02/2022 |
February oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD The Statistics and data analysis oral tests for february will take place on 8 and 11/2 at 15:30. Students interested in attending to the tests can connect using zoom. The public correction of the written test will take place online after the oral tests of 11/2. |
27/01/2022 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of February 1st, 2022 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 1/2 will take place in the classroom Delta of the computer science department, starting at 9:30. To avoid gatherings, students are summoned according to the initial of their surname: A-F 9:30, G-Z 9:40. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation and must wear a face mask (the use of FFP2 masks is strongly advised). |
25/01/2022 |
January oral tests of Statistics and data analysis and public correction teaching SAD The Statistics and data analysis oral tests for january will take place on 26 and 27/1 at 9:30. Students interested in attending to the tests can connect using zoom. The public correction of the written test will take place online after the oral tests of 27/1. |
12/01/2022 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of January 17th, 2022 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 17/1 will take place in the classroom Delta of the computer science department, starting at 14:30. To avoid gatherings, students are summoned according to the initial of their surname: A-C 14:30, D-N 14:40, P-Z 14:50. Students must wait outside the department for the convocation time. Participants may bring a book and a notebook for consultation and must wear a face mask (the use of FFP2 masks is strongly advised). Eligible students who have sent the corresponding request will be able to catch up the round in a special session organized before 31/1. |
08/01/2022 |
2021-22 student assessment form teaching AMD-DSE Students of the 2021-22 cohort are invited to fill-in an assessment form. |
10/12/2021 |
Accepted paper at the ICPR2022 Conference research The paper «On the Choice of General Purpose Classifiers in Learned Bloom Filters: An Initial Analysis Within Basic Filters», wich I coauthored with G. Fumagalli, D. Raimondi, R. Giancarlo and M. Frasca, has been accepted for presentation at the ICPR2022 Conference. |
28/09/2021 |
Accepted paper in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine research The paper «A pilot study for investigating the feasibility of supervised machine learning approaches for the classification of pedestrians struck by vehicles», wich I coauthored with M. Casali, C. Spada, A. M. Zanaboni, R. Cotroneo, D. Furci, A. Sommariva, U. Genovese and A. Blandino, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. |
23/09/2021 |
Popularization workshop about face recognition at the Science and Technology museum popularization On Friday sep, 25th 2021 I will speak at a workshop about face recognition at the Science and Technology museum of Milan, within the european researchers' night. Admission is free. |
14/09/2021 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of September 22nd, 2021 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 22/9 will take place in the classrooms Delta and Gamma computer science department, starting from 9:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. |
13/09/2021 |
Talk on «Gender gap and computing: balancing or rethinking?» popularization On Sep 15th I will give an online talk about «Gender gap and computing: balancing or rethinking?» (in italian), within the Download Innovation Festival. |
03/09/2021 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of September 8th, 2021 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 8/9 will take place in the classrooms Delta, Gamma, and Lambda at the computer science department, starting from 9:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. |
12/07/2021 |
Public correction of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of July, 2nd 2021 teaching SAD The public correction of the written test of 2/7 will take place on Friday 23/7 at 14:30, using the same zoom link of the remote oral tests. |
04/07/2021 |
July oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 2/7 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests. Students interested in attending to the tests can consult the schedule, as well as the remote examination procedures. |
29/06/2021 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of July 2nd, 2021 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 2/7 will take place in the classrooms 307 and 309 at the settore didattico, starting from 9:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. Remote tests will take place in the afternoon of the same day: the involved students will receive instructions at their university email address. |
24/06/2021 |
Public correction of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of June, 14th 2021 teaching SAD The public correction of the written test of 14/06 will take place on Tuesday 29/6 at 14:30, using the same zoom link of the remote oral tests. |
18/06/2021 |
June oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 14/6 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests. Students interested in attending to the tests can consult the schedule, as well as the remote examination procedures. |
09/06/2021 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis
written test of June 14th, 2021 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 14/6 will take place in the classrooms 307 and 309 at the settore didattico, starting from 14:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. Remote tests will take place after the end of in-presence tests: the involved students will receive instructions at their university email address. |
31/05/2021 |
Meeting with Radicalbit teaching AMD On Friday 4/6 a meeting is planned for students of the course of «Algorithms for massive datasets». In this meeting the Radicalbit company will present some opportunities for external theses. The meeting will take place remotely, using the same Zoom link of the lectures. |
31/05/2021 |
Office hours change teaching SAD AMD AMD-DSE Starting Monday 31/05, office hour will be handled via e-mail. |
27/05/2021 |
Availablity of recorded lectures of «Statistics and
data analysis» (B.Sc. in Computer science) and of «Algorithms for
massive datasets» (Master in Computer Science) teaching AMD SAD The videorecorded lectures of the courses «Statistics and data analysis» (B.Sc. in Computer science) and of «Algorithms for massive datasets» (Master in Computer Science) will be available until June 19th. |
20/05/2021 |
Joint project for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
and «Statistical methods for machine learning» courses (Master in
Computer Science) teaching AMD The description of a joint project for the courses «Algorithms for massive datasets» and «Statistical methods for machine learrning» for the Master in «Computer Science» is available. |
02/05/2021 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
course (Master in Computer Science) teaching AMD The description of the projects for the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» for the Master in «Computer Science» are available. A joint project with the «Statistical methods for machine learning» course will be published shortly. |
28/04/2021 |
Office hours on April, 30th teaching AMD SAD The office hours of April, 30th are canceled. |
01/04/2021 |
Office hours on April, 2nd teaching AMD SAD The office hours of April, 2nd are canceled. |
30/03/2021 |
Access to recorded lectures teaching AMD SAD Access to the recorded lectures is allowed only to students who have signed up in the course moodle page. Should this not be possible, students are asked to contact the teacher. |
10/03/2021 |
Availablity of recorded lectures of «Algorithms for
massive datasets» for the Master in Data Science for Economics teaching AMD-DSE The videorecorded lectures of the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» for the Master in Data Science for Economics will be available until the end of March. |
10/03/2021 |
Office hours change for the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» teaching AMD The 11/03 office hours of the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» will start at 18:30. From next week office hours will take place every Friday at 16:30. |
10/03/2021 |
Office hours change for the course «Statistics and data analytics» teaching SAD The 12/03 office hours of the course «Statistics and data analytics» will start at 18:30. |
08/12/2020 |
Accepted paper in BMC Veterinary Research research The paper «Artificial intelligence in predicting clinical outcome in Covid-19 patients from clinical, biochemical, and a qualitative Chest X-Ray scoring system», wich I coauthored with A. Esposito, E. Casiraghi, F. Chiaraviglio, A. Scarabelli, E. Stellato, G. Plensich, G. Lastella, L. Di Meglio, S. Fusco, E. Avola, A. Jachetti, C. Giannitto, M. Frasca, A. Beheshti, P. Robinson, G. Valentini, L. Forzenigo and G. Carrafiello, has been accepted for publication in Reports in Medical Imaging. |
24/02/2021 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
course (Master DSE) teaching AMD-DSE The description of the projects for the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» for the Master in «Data Science for Economics» are available. |
19/02/2021 |
Tutoring «Algorithms for massive datasets» (DSE) teaching AMD-DSE Starting from March 1st, students can attend five tutoring sessions held on the same days previously used for lectures (Monday and Tuesday, 15:30-17:00). Students will receive an e-email message containing the corresponding zoom link. |
02/02/2021 |
Seminar on «Data-driven induction of non-classical sets» research On Feb 4th I will give an online seminar about «Data-driven induction of non-classical sets», within the 4EU+ Alliance initiative. |
29/01/2021 |
February oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 3/2 should receive an e-mail message containing the convocation for the oral tests scheduling. |
29/01/2021 |
February oral tests of Big scale analytics teaching ADLS Students enrolled in the Big scale analytics test of 5/2 should receive an e-mail message containing the convocation for oral tests. Students interested in attending the tests can contact the teacher. |
08/01/2021 |
Classroom modification: test of Computer programming for data analysis teaching PAD The written test of Computer programming for data analysis of 11/01 will take place in the QA-501 classroom. |
05/01/2021 |
January oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 14/1 should receive an e-mail message containing the convocation for the oral tests scheduling. |
03/01/2021 |
Written test of Computer programming for data analysis teaching PAD The written test of Computer programming for data analysis will take place on January, 11th 2021 at 10:30 in the QA-101 classroom. |
21/12/2020 |
Workshop within the «Architectures for big data» course teaching Today I'm going to teach in a worksop within the «Architectures for big data» course. The used notebook is available for download. |
08/12/2020 |
Accepted paper in BMC Veterinary Research research The paper «Factors affecting the urinary aldosterone-to-creatinine ratio in healthy dogs and dogs with naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease», wich I coauthored with Alberto Galizzi, Mara Bagardi, Angelica Stranieri, Anna Maria Zanaboni, Vitaliano Borromeo, Paola Giuseppina Brambilla e Chiara Locatelli, has been accepted for publication in BMC Veterinary Research. |
08/12/2020 |
Written test of Computer programming for data analysis teaching PAD The test will take place during January 2021; date and time will be communicated later on. |
06/12/2020 |
Accepted paper at RRPR 2020 research The paper «Reproducing the sparse Huffman Address Map compression for deep neural networks», wich I coauthored with Giosué Marinò, Gregorio Ghidoli and Marco Frasca, has been accepted at the «Third Workshop on Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition (RRPR 2020)» conference. |
06/12/2020 |
Assignment for the fifth week of Computer programming for data analysis teaching PAD The assignment for the fifth week of the course is available. |
29/11/2020 |
Assignment for the fourth week of Computer programming for data analysis teaching PAD The assignment for the fourth week of the course is available. |
15/11/2020 |
Assignment for the third week of Computer programming for data analysis teaching PAD The assignment for the third week of the course is available. |
15/11/2020 |
Assignment for the second week of Computer programming for data analysis teaching PAD The assignment for the second week of the course is available. |
09/11/2020 |
Continuation of lectures after lockdown teaching PAD As a result of lockdown, classes will take place remotely in the originally planned day and time. Students will receive via mail a zoom link to connect. |
30/10/2020 |
Assignment for the first week of Computer programming for data analysis teaching PAD The assignment for the first week of the course is available. |
23/10/2020 |
Accepted paper on IEEE Access research The paper «Explainable machine learning for early assessment of COVID-19 risk prediction in emergency departments», wich I coauthored with E. Casiraghi E., G. Trucco, M. Frasca, L. Cappelletti, T. Fontana, A. A. Esposito, E. Avola, A. Jachetti, J. Reese, A. Rizzi, P. N. Robinson and G. Valentini, has been accepted for publication on IEEE Access. |
12/10/2020 |
Accepted paper at ICPR 2020 research The paper «Compression strategies and space-conscious representations for deep neural networks», wich I coauthored with Giosué Marinò, Gregorio Ghidoli and Marco Frasca, has been accepted at the «25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020)» conference. |
29/09/2020 |
Semester for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD The class of Statistics and data analytics will be delivered in the spring semester. |
29/09/2020 |
Semester for the Algorithms for massive datasets course teaching AMD The class of Algorithms for massive datasets will be delivered in the spring semester. |
29/09/2020 |
Semester for the Algorithms for massive datasets (DSE) course teaching AMD-DSE The class of Algorithms for massive datasets (DSE) will be delivered in the spring semester. |
25/09/2020 |
September oral tests of Statistics and data analysis (second session) teaching SAD Students can consult the schedule and the remote examination procedures for the second exam session of September. |
01/09/2020 |
September oral tests of Statistics and data analysis (first session) teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 8/9 should receive an e-mail message containing the schedule of oral tests. Students interested in attending to the tests can consult the schedule, as well as the remote examination procedures. |
03/07/2020 |
July oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 7/7 should receive an e-mail message containing the schedule of oral tests. Students interested in attending to the tests can consult the schedule, as well as the remote examination procedures. |
21/06/2020 |
Office hours change teaching SAD ADLS DI Starting Monday 15/06, office hour will be handled via e-mail. |
11/06/2020 |
June oral tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 17/6 should receive an e-mail message containing the schedule of oral tests. Students interested in attending to the tests can consult the schedule, as well as the remote examination procedures. |
09/06/2020 |
Procedures for distance-based examination teaching SAD Students are invited to read the description of the remote examination procedures for the «Statistics and data analysis» course. |
30/05/2020 |
Accepted paper at MDAI 2020 research The paper «Classifiying Candidate Axioms via Dimensionality Reduction Techniques», wich I coauthored with Célia da Costa Pereira and Andrea Tettamanzi, has been accepted at the «Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence 2020» conference. |
14/05/2020 |
Exam modalities for the «Statistics and data
analysis» course teaching SAD The page of the «Statistics and data analysis» course has been updated with the exam modalities adopted as a result of the Coronavirus emergency. |
14/05/2020 |
Projects for the «Algorithms for massive datasets»
course teaching AMD The description of the projects for the course «Algorithms for massive datasets» are available, as well as a joint project with the «Statistical methods for machine learning» course. |
08/05/2020 |
Springer books available for free teaching SAD AMD Springer publishing provides for free books on basic and advanced computer science topics. |
06/05/2020 |
Errata corrige for the «Statistics and data analysis»
lecture of 23/4 teaching SAD An errata corrige for the 23/4 lecture of «Statistics and data analysis» is available. |
04/05/2020 |
Cancellation of the Algorithms for massive datasets lecture of 4/5 teaching AMD The lecture of 4/5 is canceled. It will be held later during the course. |
28/04/2020 |
Course evaluation teaching AMD SAD The Web-based procedure for course evaluation is available. Students are invited to evaluate each course before the end of lectures. |
20/04/2020 |
Lab for the Algorithms for massive datasets course (DSE master) teaching AMD The 23/04 lab lecture for students of the DSE master will be accessible through Microsoft Zoom, connecting between 14:30 and 18:30. Microsoft Zoom can be installed as an extension of Microsoft Teams. The lab Web page contains the assigned exercises. Students are asked to bring their own solutions, which will be discussed during the lab. |
01/04/2020 |
Lab lectures for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD The optional lab for the Statistics and data analysis course will start on Friday, April 3rd, via distance learning. Students can download the dataset which will be analyzed during the first lecture, as well as its description. |
17/03/2020 |
Movement of video lectures teaching AMD SAD In a few days, the recordings of the lectures will be moved to the University's OneDrive space. Students are therefore invited to check that their academic account linked to Office365 is activated. |
12/03/2020 |
Remote office hours organization teaching AMD SAD Starting today, office hours will take place remotely. On each Thursday, students can connect from 17:00 to the meeting «ricevimento-malchiodi» organized on , writing their name and surname in the chat, and waiting to be called. The channel is open to all participants, so the need for private office hours must be reported, always in the chat, when connecting. |
06/03/2020 |
Organization of distance learning teaching AMD SAD Until further notice, the lectures of «Statistics and data analysis» and «Algorithms for massive datasets» will take place via distance learning. On the days when a course is scheduled, a video recording of the lesson will be made available on the corresponding Web page. Students can send questions to the teacher via email on any clarifications: the following day a documentcontaining the answer to the questions of general interest will be published. |
06/03/2020 |
Recording of the lecture «Technical preliminaries» for the Algoritms for massive datasets course teaching AMD The recording of the lecture «Technical preliminaries» for the Algorithms for massive datasets course is available. |
06/03/2020 |
Recording of the lecture «Introduction to statistics and centrality indices» for the Statistics and data analysis course teaching SAD The recording of the lecture «Introduction to statistics. Centrality indices.» for the Statistics and data analysis course is available. |
05/03/2020 |
Restricted access to lecture recordings teaching SAD AMD Access to confidential content has changed. The «Course material» section in the pages of the involved courses describes the new method. |
04/03/2020 |
Recording of the lecture «Python» for the Statistics and data analysis course teaching SAD The recording of the lecture «Python» for the Statistics and data analysis course is available. |
04/03/2020 |
Recording of the lecture «Mathematical preliminaries» for the Algoritms for massive datasets course teaching AMD The recording of the lecture «Mathematical preliminaries» for the Algorithms for massive datasets course is available. |
23/02/2020 |
Cancellation of teaching activities teaching AMD SAD APDML All teaching activities are canceled until 29/2. |
13/02/2020 |
Office hours on February, 20th teaching AMD SAD The office hours of February, 20th are canceled. |
13/02/2020 |
Schedule change for the Architecturel patterns for
distributed machine learning application course teaching APDML The lecture of the course Architectural patterns for distributed machine learning application of 26/2 is postponed on 2/3, between 15:30 and 18:30 in the laboratorio magistrale classroom of the third floor. |
12/02/2020 |
Classroom change for the Architecturel patterns for
distributed machine learning application course teaching APDML The lectures of the course Architectural patterns for distributed machine learning application will take place in different classrooms than previously announced. Students are invited to check the new course timetable. |
24/01/2020 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written
test of February, 7th 2020, oral test calendar, and public
correction teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 7/2 should receive an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the "laboratorio magistrale 5° piano" room of the Computer science Department, according to the following schedule organized by last name initial: Wednesday 12/2 at 15:30 (A-C); Thursday 13/2 at 9:30 (D-F); Friday 14/2 at 14:30 (G-Z). The public correction will take place on Thursday 20/2 at 9:30 in the "laboratorio magistrale 5° piano" room of the Computer science Department. Students with further questions are invited to show up during office hours. |
05/02/2020 |
Timetable change for the Statistics and data analysis course teaching SAD Tuesday lectures of Statistics and data analysis will start at 11:30. |
05/02/2020 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February 7th, 2020 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 7/2 will take place in the classrooms at the first floor of the Computer science department, starting from 9:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. |
03/02/2020 |
Place and time of the Big scale analytics test of February 2020 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics oral tests of February will take place in the meeting room at the fifth floor of the Computer science department, on 5/2 at 10:30. |
24/01/2020 |
Public correction of the Statistics and data analysis written test of Januery, 20th 2020 teaching SAD The public correction of the written test of Statistics and data analysis of 20/1/20 will take place at 10:00 on 4/2 in Lab. Laurea Magistrale 3rd floor. Students with further questions will be able to view their own test. |
24/01/2020 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of January, 20th 2020 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 20/1 should receive an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the computer science department, according to the following schedule organized by last name initial: 28/1 9:30 sala riunioni 4° piano (A to CA), 29/1 14:30 lab. magistrale 5° piano (CE to F), 30/1 9:30 lab. magistrale 5° piano (G to M), 31/1 9:30 lab. magistrale 5° piano (N to Z). |
21/01/2020 |
Beginning of the Algorithms for massive datasets course teaching AMD The lectures of Algorithms for massive datasets will start on Wednesday February, 26th at 14:30 in classroom alfa of the Computer science department. Starting from the following week, lectures will take place as shown in the course timetable. |
14/01/2020 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of January 20th, 2020 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 20/1 will take place in the classrooms at the first floor of the Computer science department, starting from 13:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. |
13/01/2020 |
Place and time of the Big scale analytics test of January 2020 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics oral tests of January will take place in the meeting room at the fifth floor of the Computer science department, on 16/1 at 14:30. |
09/12/2019 |
Postponement of the written test of Statistics and data analytics of January 2020 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics weritten test of January is postponed to Monday 20/1/2020. Time and place will be communicated in proximity of the tests. |
20/09/2019 |
Public correction of the Statistics and data analysis written test of September, 16th 2019 teaching SAD The public correction of the written test of 16/9/19 will take place at 11:00 on 27/9 in Lab. Laurea Magistrale 5 piano. Students with further questions will be able to view their own test. |
20/09/2019 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of September, 16th 2019 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 16/9 should receive an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the lab. Laurea magistrale at the 5th floor of the computer science department, according to the following schedule organized by last name initial: from A to C, 24/9 at 9:30; from D to Z, 26/9 at 14:30. |
11/09/2019 |
Place and time of the Big scale analytics test of September 2019 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics oral tests of September will take place in the Lab. Magistrale room at the fifth floor of the Computer science department on 18/9 at 9:30. |
11/09/2019 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of September 16th, 2019 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 16/9 will take place in the classrooms at the first floor of the Computer science department, starting from 8:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. |
10/07/2019 |
Public correction of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July, 3rd 2019 teaching SAD The public correction of the written test of 3/7/19 will take place at 10:30 on 18/7 in Lab. Laurea Magistrale 3 piano. Students with further questions will be able to view their own test. |
09/07/2019 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July, 3rd 2019 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 3/7 should receive an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the lab. Laurea magistrale at the 5th floor of the computer science department, according to the following schedule organized by last name initial: from A to M, 15/7 at 9:30; from Q to Z, 16/7 at 9:30; from N to P, 17/7 at 9:30. |
01/07/2019 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July 3rd, 2019 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 3/7 will take place in the classrooms at the first floor of the Computer science department, starting from 9:00. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. |
28/06/2019 |
Place and time of the Informatics teaching written test of July 1st, 2019 teaching DI The Informatics teaching written test of 1/7 will take place in the Laboratorio Laurea magistrale at the fifth floor of the Computer science department, starting from 14:00. |
28/06/2019 |
Place and time of the Big scale analytics test of July 2019 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics oral tests of July will take place in the meeting room at the fifth floor of the Computer science department, on 2/7 at 9:30 (last name starting from A to L), and on 3/7 at 14:30 (last name starting from M to Z). |
19/06/2019 |
Public correction of the Statistics and data analysis written test of June, 10th 2019 teaching SAD The public correction of the written test of 10/6/19 will take place at 10:00 on 27/6 in Lab. Laurea Magistrale 5 piano. Students with further questions will be able to view their own test. |
14/06/2019 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of June, 10th 2019 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 10/6 should receive an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the computer science department, according to the following schedule organized by last name initial (not necessarily contiguous): from A to G, 17/6 at 14:00 (meeting room on the 5th floor); M and S, 18/6 at 14:00 (lab. Laurea magistrale 5th floor); P, 21/6 at 14:30 (lab. Laurea magistrale on the 5th floor). |
06/06/2019 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of June 10th, 2019 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 10/6 will take place in the classrooms at the first floor of the Computer science department, starting from 8:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. |
05/06/2019 |
Place and time of the Big scale analytics test of June 2019 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics oral tests of June will take place in the meeting room at the fifth floor of the Computer science department, on 11/6 at 9:30 (last name starting from A to M), and on 13/6 at 9:30 (last name starting from N to Z). |
16/05/2019 |
Postponement of the written test of Statistics and data analytics of July 2019 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics weritten test of July is postponed to Wednesday 3/7/2019. Time and place will be communicated in proximity of the tests. |
07/04/2019 |
Place and time of the Big scale analytics test of April 2019 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics oral tests of April will take place in prof. Malchiodi's office on 9/4 at 14:30. |
23/02/2019 |
Public correction of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February, 12th 2019 teaching SAD The public correction of the written test of 12/2/19 will take place at 10:00 on 5/3 in Lab. Laurea Magistrale 5 piano. Students with further questions will be able to view their own test. |
17/02/2019 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February, 12th 2019 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 12/2 should receive an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the Lab. Laurea Magistrale on the 5th floor of the computer science department, according to the following schedule organized by last name initial (not necessarily contiguous): A and D 19/2 at 8:30; B and F 19/2 at 13:30; C and G 20/2 at 8:30; P and R 20/2 at 13:30; L, M, and N 21/2 at 8:30; S, T, and V 21/2 at 13:30. |
08/02/2019 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February 12th, 2019 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 12/2 will take place in the classrooms at the first floor of the Computer science department, starting from 8:30. Participants may bring a book and a notebook with them for consultation. |
07/02/2019 |
Place and time of the Big scale analytics test of February 2019 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics oral tests of February will take place in the meeting room at the fifth floor of the Computer science department, on 12/2 at 14:30 (last name starting from A to M), and on 13/2 at 9:30 (last name starting from N to Z). |
24/01/2019 |
Office hours change teaching SAD ADLS DI Starting Monday 28/01, office hour will be handled via e-mail. |
23/01/2019 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of January, 16th 2019, oral test calendar and public correction teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 16/1 should receive an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in via Celoria 18, in the Lab. Laurea Magistrale 5 piano at 9:30 on 25/1, 29/1, 30/1, 31/1, and 1/2 and in the Lab. Laurea Magistrale 3 piano at 9:30 on 28/1 as follows. Degree F1X+F49: A/L 25/1, M/Z 28/1. Degree F3X+F9X: A/C 28/1, D/I 29/1, L/M 30/1, N/P 31/1, Q/Z 1/2. The public correction will take place at 10:00 on 4/2 in Lab. Laurea Magistrale 5 piano. |
10/01/2019 |
Place and time of the Big scale analytics test of January 2019 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics oral tests of January will take place in the meeting room at the fifth floor of the Computer science department, on 16/1 at 15:00 (last name starting from A to H), and on 17/1 at 15:00 (last name starting from L to Z). |
10/01/2019 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of January 16th, 2019 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 16/1 will take place in the classroom Gamma of the Computer science department, starting from 8:30. |
13/12/2018 |
Office hours on December 18th teaching ADLS SAD The office hours of December, 18th are canceled. |
13/12/2018 |
Classroom change for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics lecture of 17/12 will take place in aula Beta. |
29/11/2018 |
Classroom change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics lectures of 4/12, 11/12, and 8/1 will take place in aula Tau; the lecture of 18/12 will take place in aula 207. |
30/10/2018 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS Reminder: the class of Big scale analytics of 28/11 will take place in aula V5. |
13/11/2018 |
Schedule change of the Big scale analytics classes teaching ADLS Starting from 20/11, the Tuesday classes will take place in aula 207. |
05/11/2018 |
Suspension of lectures and office hours on November 6th and 7th teaching ADLS SAD The classes of November, 6th and 7th are canceled, as well as the office hours of November 6th. |
30/10/2018 |
Suspension of the Statistics and data analytics lab teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics lab of November, 2nd is canceled. |
22/10/2018 |
Lab lectures for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD Additional lectures of the laboratory of Statistics and data analysis will start from Friday, october 26th between 10:30 and 13:30 in classroom Gamma in via Celoria 18. |
16/10/2018 |
Classroom change for the Statistics and data analytics classes teaching SAD Starting from 22/10, Monday classes will take place in aula Magna of the Department of Computer science. The timetable is unchanged. |
08/10/2018 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS The class of Big scale analytics of 17/10 will take place in aula 305. |
05/10/2018 |
Office hours for the fall semester teaching ADLS SAD Office hours for the fall semester will be on Tuesday from 16:30 in the teacher's office, starting from 09/10. |
05/10/2018 |
Schedule change of the Big scale analytics classes teaching ADLS Starting from 09/10, classes will take place on Tuesday from 14:30 till 16:30 in aula Alfa and on Wednesday from 13:30 till 15:30 in aula Magna. |
01/10/2018 |
Use of the interactive lecture notes for the Statistics and data analytics class teaching SAD The lecture notes are available also in interactive form. |
01/10/2018 |
Laboratory of the statistics and data analytics class teaching SAD The starting date of lab lectures will be communicated later on. |
01/10/2018 |
Correction of written tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD At 10:30 of Thursday, 04/10 in aula 305 there will be a public correction of the written tests of 20/09. |
25/09/2018 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of September, 20th 2018 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 20/9 should receive within tomorrow an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in aula G27 in via Golgi on 27/9 at 9:30 and on 28/9 at 14:30). The date of correction of the written test will be communicated later on. |
17/09/2018 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of September 20th, 2018 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 20/9 will take place in via Celoria in aula 307 (Zanaboni) and aula 309 (Malchiodi), starting from 14:30. |
27/08/2018 |
Schedule change for the Statistics and data analytics exam session of September teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of September session is resheduled from 14/09 to 20/09. |
10/07/2018 |
Correction of written tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD At 10:30 of Monday, 23/07 in the sala lauree of Via Comelico there will be a public correction of the written tests of 2/7. |
10/07/2018 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July, 2nd 2018 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 2/7 should receive within tomorrow an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in via Comelico on 12/7 (aula 5, 9:30), 13/7 (aula 6, 9:30 and 14:30), 16/7 (aula 6, 14:30), and 17/7 (aula 4, 9:30). |
28/06/2018 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July 2nd, 2018 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 2/7 will take place in via Comelico 39 in aula tau, starting from 14:30. |
20/06/2018 |
Place and time of the Informatics teaching written test of June 25th, 2018 teaching DI The Informatics teaching written test of 25/6 will take place in via Comelico 39 in aula tau, starting from 14:30. |
20/06/2018 |
Correction of written tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD At 10:30 of Thursday, 28/06 in the sala riunioni on the first floor of Via Comelico there will be a public correction of the written tests of 13/6. |
19/06/2018 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of June, 13th 2018 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 13/6 should receive within tomorrow an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place on 25/6 (students F1X) and on 27/6 (other students) in aula 6 in via Comelico at 10:30. |
11/06/2018 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of June 13th, 2018 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 13/6 will take place in via Comelico 39 in aula sigma, starting from 9:30. |
13/03/2018 |
Office hours canceled teaching SAD ADLS DI Starting wednesday 03/14, regular office hour are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
19/02/2018 |
Vision of written tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD At 9:30 of Monday, 26/02 in the sala riunioni on the second floor of Via Comelico it will be possible to view the written tests of 7/2. |
14/02/2018 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February, 7th 2018 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 7/2 should receive within tomorrow an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place on 23/2 in aula 6 in via Comelico at 9:30. |
05/02/2018 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February 7th, 2018 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 7/2 will take place in via Celoria 20 in aula 307, starting from 9:30. |
30/01/2018 |
Vision of written tests of Statistics and data analysis teaching SAD At 9:30 of Tuesday, 06/02 in the sala riunioni on the second floor of Via Comelico it will be possible to view the written tests of 24/1. |
29/01/2018 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of January, 24th 2018 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 24/1 should receive within tomorrow an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in via Comelico on 31/1 (9:30-18:30), 1/2 (15:30-18:30), 2/2 (9:30-12:30), and 5/2 (9:30-12:30) |
19/01/2018 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of January 24th, 2018 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 24/1 will take place in via Comelico 39 in aula Sigma, starting from 9:30. |
09/01/2018 |
Big scale analytics test of Jaunary 2018 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics test of January will take place on 15/1 starting from 9:30 in the professor's office. |
20/04/2017 |
Office hours of Jan 9th canceled teaching SAD ADLS DI The office hour of Jan 9th are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
16/12/2017 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS The December, 19th class of the Big scale analytics course is canceled. It will be catched up on Jan 8th, 2018. |
13/12/2017 |
Schedule change for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD The last class of Statistics and data analytics is moved from Dec 18th to Jan 8th. |
07/12/2017 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS The December, 11th class of the Big scale analytics course will take place on Dec 12th. |
29/11/2017 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS The forthcoming classes of the Big scale analytics course will take place on Dec 4th, Dec 11th, Dec 18th and Dec 19th. |
02/11/2017 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS The 27/11 class of the Big scale analytics course will take place in aula 6 at 14:30, and the class of 28/11 will take place at 13:30 in aula alfa. |
16/10/2017 |
Lab lectures for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD Additional lectures of the laboratory of Statistics and data analysis will start from Friday, october 20th. |
04/10/2017 |
Programming language for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD Computer science students who are not enrolled in the second year will have the choice between R and python as language to be used during the written test. Among those students, who has already followed a R laboratory or have already studied R, it is advisable to stay on R; instead, students not yet haviing studied any language for data analysis are advised to start directly with python. For the students of the other degrees, the R language remains the only option. |
28/09/2017 |
Use of the interactive lecture notes teaching SAD The lecture notes are available also in interactive form. |
04/10/2017 |
Docker container for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS Students of the Big scale analytics course can download a ZIP archive containing all files needed to build and run the docker container used during lectures. |
28/09/2017 |
Laboratory of the statistics and data analytics class teaching SAD The starting date of lab lectures will be communicated later on. |
19/09/2017 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of September, 15th 2017 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 15/9 should receive within tomorrow an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in via Comelico on Thursday 21/9 at 14:30 in Aula 6 (A-C), on Friday 22/9 at 9:30 in Aula 6 (D-G), on Friday 22/9 at 14:30 in Aula 6 (I-R), and on Monday 25/9 at 17:00 in the office of Prof. Malchiodi (S-Z). |
11/09/2017 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of September 15th, 2017 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 15/9 will take place as planned in via Comelico 39 in aula Sigma, starting from 9:00. |
13/07/2017 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July, 6th 2017 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 6/7 should receive within tomorrow an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in Aula 4 in via Comelico on Monday 17/7 at 14:30 (A-M) and on Tuesday 18/7 at 9:30 (N-Z). |
04/07/2017 |
Place and time of the Infomatics didactics written test of July 19th, 2017 teaching The Informatics didactics written test of 19/7 will take place in via Comelico 39 in aula Delta, starting from 9:30. |
29/06/2017 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of July 6th, 2017 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 6/7 will take place in via Comelico 39 in aula Sigma, starting from 14:00. |
23/06/2017 |
Slides for the seminar on «The role of the data scientist» SAD ADLS teaching The slides of the seminar on «The role of the data scientist» by A. Condorelli are available. |
12/06/2017 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of June, 9th 2017 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 9/6 should receive within tomorrow an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in via Comelico on Wednesday 14/6 at 9:30 in sala riunioni primo piano (A) and at 14:30 in aula omega (B-Z). |
29/05/2017 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of June 9th, 2017 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 9/6 will take place in Settore Didattico in the Sigma, starting from 15:30. |
20/04/2017 |
Office hours canceled teaching SAD ADLS DI Sim Starting Friday 04/20, regular office hour are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
18/04/2017 |
Conference «STEM in & with the City» in Milan popularization Wednesday apr, 19th 2017 I will speak at the «STEM in & with the City» conference in the aula Maliani of the Università degli Studi di Milano. |
06/04/2017 |
Conference «Gli stati generali dell'alternanza scuola-lavoro» in Milan popularization Monday apr, 10th 2017 I will speak at the «Stati generali dell'alternanza scuola-lavoro» in the aula magna of the Università degli Studi di Milano. |
06/04/2017 |
Conference «Quando i matematici non entrano in aula» in Trento popularization Sunday apr, 9th 2017 I will speak at the PRISTEM conference «Quando i matematici non entrano in aula» in Trento. |
06/03/2017 |
Office hours for the spring semester teaching ADLS SAD Sim Office hours for the spring semester will be during Thursday from 14:30 until 17:30 in the teacher's office, starting from 9/3. |
27/02/2017 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February, 17th 2017 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 17/2 should receive within short time an e-mail message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in via Comelico on Monday 6/3 at 9:30 in aula 4: Informatica (A – M); on Thursady 9/3 at 9:30 in aula 4: Informatica (N – Z); Thursady 9/3 at 14:30 in prof. Malchiodi's room: Informatica musicale; Friday 10/3 at 14:30 in sala Lauree: Informatica per la comunicazione digitale. |
14/02/2017 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of February 25th, 2017 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 17/2 will take place in Via Comelico in the Sigma, Tau and Delta lecture halls starting from 14:00. |
01/02/2017 |
Office hours canceled teaching SAD ADLS P3 Sim Starting Thursday 02/17, regular office hour are canceled until next semester; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
01/02/2017 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of January, 25th 2017 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 25/1 are invited to check their e-mail: they will find a message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in aula 5 of the Computer science department on Feb. 6th at 14:30 (A - CREZ), on Feb. 7th at 9:30 (CRI - P), and on Feb. 8th at 9:30 (Q - Z). |
23/01/2017 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of January 25th, 2017 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 25/1 will take place in Via Comelico in aula Sigma starting from 14:00. |
10/01/2017 |
Schedule change for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD The class of the Statistics and data analytics course originally scheduled on 16/1/2017 will take place on 17/1/2017 in aula V1. |
09/01/2017 |
Classroom change for the Big scale analytics lecture of 10/1/2017 teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics class of 10/1/2017 will take place in Aula Beta. |
20/12/2016 |
Office hours rescheduled on 22/12 teaching ADLS SAD Office hours of 22/12 will end at 16:00. |
19/12/2016 |
Schedule change for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD The class of 20/12 is canceled and it will be made up on January. |
21/11/2016 |
Office hours of November 24th canceled teaching SAD ADLS The office hours of November 24nd are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
19/10/2016 |
Lab lectures for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD Starting from Oct. 26th, the additional lectures of the lab of statistics and data analytics will take place on Wednesday in aula 309 between 15:30 and 17:30 (for Computer science students) and on Friday in aula 307 between 15:30 and 17:30 (for Computer science for digital communication and for Computer science and music students). Students should check their login credential to the lab's PC (such credentials can be obtained in aula 307). |
27/09/2016 |
Organization of the course «Statistics and data analysis» SAD The course is organized in two editions: this page refers to Computer science, Computer science for digital communication and Computer science for music students whose last name starts with a letter ranging between A and I (both included). Other students should refer to the edition held by prof. Zanaboni. |
26/09/2016 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics lectures teaching ADLS Starting from September 27th, the Big scale analytics classes will take place in Aula Delta. |
26/09/2016 |
Beginning of the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD The lectures of Statistics and data analytics will start on Monday October, 3rd. |
21/09/2016 |
Office hours for the fall semester teaching ADLS SAD Office hours for the fall semester will be during Thursday from 14:00 until 17:00 in the teacher's office, starting from 29/09. |
19/09/2016 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of September, 15th 2016 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 15/9 are invited to check their e-mail: they will find a message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the Computer science department on Thursday Sep. 22nd at 9:30 in aula Omega. |
13/09/2016 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of September 15th, 2016 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 15/9 will take place in Via Comelico in aula Sigma starting from 9:00. |
02/09/2016 |
Office relocation teaching SAD Sim P3 ADLS Starting today, Prof. Malchiodi has moved his office in room P102 at the first floor in the via Comelico seat of the department. |
19/07/2016 |
Schedule change for the Statistics and data analytics exam session of September teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of September session is resheduled from 21/09 to 15/09. |
08/07/2016 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July, 6th 2016 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 6/7 are invited to check their e-mail: they will find a message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the Computer science department on Wednesday Jul. 13th at 9:30 in aula 5. |
04/07/2016 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of July 6th, 2016 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 6/7 will take place in Via Comelico in aula Sigma starting from 9:00. |
13/06/2016 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of June, 10th 2016 and oral test calendar teaching SAD The results of written test of 10/6 are available. The oral tests will take place in sala lauree of the Computer science department on Wednessday Jun. 15th at 10:00. |
06/06/2016 |
Office hours canceled teaching SAD ADLS P3 Sim Starting Monday 06/13, regular office hour are canceled until next semester; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
06/06/2016 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of June 10th, 2016 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 10/6 will take place in Via Comelico in aula Delta starting from 9:00. |
01/05/2016 |
Office hours canceled for two weeks teaching SAD ADLS P3 Office hours in the next two weeks are canceled; students can contact the teacher via e-mail. |
18/03/2016 |
Feedback form for the Big data analytics and technologies PhD course teaching BDAT Students enrolled in the Big data analytics and technologies PhD course are invited to fill in a feedback form. |
25/02/2016 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February, 17th 2016 and oral test calendar teaching SAD The results of written test of 17/2, not yet sent due to a failure of the university information system, are available. The oral tests will take place in the Computer science department on Friday Feb. 26th at 9:30 in aule Omega and on Monday Feb. 29th in aula 4. |
24/02/2016 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of February, 17th 2016 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 17/2 are invited to check their e-mail: they will find a message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the Computer science department on Friday Feb. 26th at 9:30 in aule Omega and on Monday Feb. 29th in aula 4. |
16/02/2016 |
Office hours of February 22nd canceled teaching SAD ADLS P3 The office hours of February 22nd are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
16/02/2016 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of February 17th, 2016 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 17/2 will take place in Via Comelico in aula Sigma and aula Tau starting from 13:00. |
31/01/2016 |
Results of the Operating system written test of January, 29th 2016 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 29/1 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
29/01/2016 |
Results of the Statistics and data analysis written test of January, 26th 2016 and oral test calendar teaching SAD Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analytics test of 26/1 are invited to check their e-mail: they will find a message showing their result. The oral tests will take place in the Computer science department on Tuesday Feb. 2nd at 9:30 in sala Lauree (CPSM) and on Wednesday Feb. 3rd in aula 5 (Statistics and data analysis). |
26/01/2016 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of January 29th, 2016 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 29/1 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
19/01/2016 |
Place and time of the Statistics and data analytics written test of January 26th, 2016 teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics written test of 26/2 will take place in Via Comelico: in aula Sigma starting from 9:00 (students of this year) and in aula Alfa starting from 9:30 (students of previous years). |
18/01/2016 |
Schedule change for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD The canceled class will be made up on 20/01 at 10:30 in aula MG in via Mangiagalli 32. |
18/01/2016 |
Computer programming 3 project – update teaching P3 An updated version of the project text is available, specifying how use packages. |
07/01/2016 |
Computer programming 3 project teaching P3 The project textis available. Students should send via e-mail their source code and take an appointment. |
07/01/2016 |
Schedule change for the Statistics and data analytics class of Jan 12 teaching SAD Class of Tuesday Jan 12 is postponed to Wednesday Jan 13. |
03/12/2015 |
Suspension of the Statistics and data analytics lab teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics lab of December, 9th is canceled. |
03/12/2015 |
Schedule change for the Computer programming 3 class of 12/4 teaching P3 Class of Friday 12/4 is postponed to Friday 12/11. |
23/11/2015 |
AWS credit teaching ADLS Students of the big scale analytics course can get promotional codes for AWS registering at the AWS educate program and specifying «Università degli Studi di Milano» as their institution. Additional credits can be obtained through the GitHub education program. |
12/10/2015 |
Lab lectures for the Statistics and data analytics course teaching SAD Additional lectures of the lab of statistics and data analytics will take place in aula 309 between 8:30 and 10:30, starting from October, 20th, each Tuesday (for Computer science for digital communication and for Computer science and music students) and each Wednesday (for Computer science students). |
05/10/2015 |
Suspension of the Statistics and data analytics lesson teaching SAD The Statistics and data analytics class of October, 7th is canceled. |
05/10/2015 |
Suspension of the Big scale analytics lesson teaching ADLS The Big scale analytics class of October, 7th is canceled. |
02/10/2015 |
Results of the Operating system written test of September, 24th 2015 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 24/9 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
01/10/2015 |
Office hours for the fall semester teaching ADLS SAD P3 Office hours for the fall semester will be during Monday on 14:30 in the teacher's office, starting from 5/10. |
24/09/2015 |
Popularization conference «Alla ricerca delle tracce» at the Science and Technology museum popularization Friday sep, 25th 2015 I will speak at the conference «Alla ricerca delle tracce» at the Science and Technology museum of Milan, within the european researchers' night. Admission is free. |
24/09/2015 |
Algomotricity lab at the european researchers' night popularization Friday 25 and saturday 26 september 2015, in the Indro Montanelli park of Milan, the ALaDDIn laboratory proposes the activity Algomotricità: imparare a programmare divertendosi, within the european researchers' night. Admission is free: we are in the stand A15 of the Padiglione verde. |
18/09/2015 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of September 24th, 2015 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 24/9 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 14:30. |
11/09/2015 |
Results of the Operating system written test of September, 9th 2015 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 9/9 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
8/09/2015 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of September 9th, 2015 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 9/9 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
22/07/2015 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 20th 2015 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 20/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
16/07/2015 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 20th, 2015 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 20/7 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
09/07/2015 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 7th 2015 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 7/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
04/07/2015 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 7th, 2015 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 7/7 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
30/06/2015 |
Updated oral test calendar teaching SO The oral tests calendar has been updated, fixing a typo: on 2/7 the exam will be from 9:30. |
29/06/2015 |
Results of the Operating system written test of June, 19th 2015 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 19/6 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
17/06/2015 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of June 19th, 2015 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 19/6 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 14:30. |
21/05/2015 |
Office hours of May 28th canceled teaching SO ADLS Sim The office hours of May 28th are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
24/03/2015 |
New workbook on operating systems teaching SO The workbook Sistemi operativi – esercizi risolti e commentati. is available. |
19/03/2015 |
Office hours of April 2nd canceled teaching SO ADLS Sim The office hours of April 2nd are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
19/03/2015 |
Suspension of the Simulation lesson teaching Sim The Simulation class of March, 31st is canceled. |
19/03/2015 |
Suspension of the Operating systems lesson teaching SO The Operating systems class of March, 31st is canceled. |
12/03/2015 |
Office hours rescheduled on 12/3 teaching ADLS Sim SO Office hours of today will start at 16:00. |
05/03/2015 |
Office hours for the spring semester teaching SO Sim ADLS Office hours for the spring semester will be on Thursday at 14:30 in the teacher's office, starting from 5/3. |
05/03/2015 |
Schedule change for the Simulation course teaching Sim Starting March 6th, 2015 the Simulation class schedule will change as follows: Tuesday 15:30–17:30, aula 5; Friday 8:30–10:30, aula 5. |
05/03/2015 |
Videos of the Operating systems classes teaching SO The operating systems classes video will be available at, using the University mail login credentials. |
02/03/2015 |
Schedule change for the Operating systems course teaching SO Starting March 3rd, 2015 the operating system class schedule will change as follows: Monday 10:30–12:30, aula V3; Tuesday 12:30–14:30, aula V3. |
21/01/2015 |
Results of the Operating system written test of January, 19th 2015 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 19/1 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
15/01/2015 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of January 19th, 2015 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 19/1 will take place in aula 400 in Via Celoria starting from 14:30. |
09/01/2015 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO ADLS P3 Sim Regular office hour are canceled until next semester; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
25/11/2014 |
Office hours rescheduled on 25/11 teaching ADLS Office hours of today will last until 15:00; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
13/11/2014 |
Tutorial about MapReduce in AWS teaching ADLS I published a tutorial about running JAR-encoded MapReduce jobs in AWS. |
15/10/2014 |
AWS in Education grant for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS Students enrolled in the course of Big scale analytics may benefit by a grant of 100US$ to access to the tools provided by Amazon Web Services. |
09/10/2014 |
Tutorial about Hadoop installation teaching ADLS I published an updated tutorial about installing Hadoop on a virtual machine. |
29/09/2014 |
Results of the Operating system written test of September, 22nd 2014 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 22/9 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
25/09/2014 |
Semester for the Simulation course teaching Sim The class of Simulation will be delivered in the spring semester. |
25/09/2014 |
Semester for the Operating systems course teaching SO The class of Operating systems will be delivered in the spring semester. |
18/09/2014 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of September 22th, 2014 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 22/9 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
11/09/2014 |
Results of the Operating system written test of September, 8th 2014 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 8/9 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
05/09/2014 |
Office hours for the fall semester teaching SO Sim ADLS Office hours for the fall semester will be on Tuesday at 14:30 in the teacher's office, starting from 9/9. |
05/09/2014 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of September 8th, 2014 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 8/9 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
22/07/2014 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 21st 2014 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 21/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
17/07/2014 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 21, 2014 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 21/7 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
13/07/2014 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 4th 2014 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 4/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
02/07/2014 |
TGIF workshops: source code management teaching SO The fifth TGIF worksop will be on Friday 4/7 at 15:00 in aula Alfa at the Computer Science Department. The workshop theme will be an introduction to source code management. |
02/07/2014 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 4, 2014 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 4/7 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
27/06/2014 |
Results of the Operating system written test of June, 20th 2014 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 20/6 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
24/06/2014 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO ADLS P3 Regular office hour are canceled until next semester; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
16/06/2014 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of June 20, 2014 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 20/6 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 14:30. |
20/05/2014 |
TGIF workshops: shell scripting teaching SO The third TGIF worksop will be on Friday 30/5 at 15:00 in aula Alfa at the Computer Science Department. The workshop theme will be an introduction to shell scripting |
27/05/2014 |
Schedule change for the Operating systems course teaching SO The last two classes of the operating system course will be at 8:30 of Monday 16/6 (aula Beta) and on 10:30 of Tuesday 17/6 (aula Alfa). |
20/05/2014 |
TGIF workshops: Introduction to Arduino teaching SO The second TGIF worksop will be on Friday 23/5 at 15:00 in aula Alfa at the Computer Science Department. The workshop theme will be an introduction to Arduino |
16/05/2014 |
Home page of the TGIF workshops teaching SO P3 ADLS Information about the TGIF meetings can be found on the page of the initiative. |
08/05/2014 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO Office hours of 22/5 are canceled. |
08/05/2014 |
Schedule reminder for the Operating systems course teaching SO There will be no classes on 19/5 and on 22/5. |
07/05/2014 |
TGIF workshops: Introduction to LaTeX teaching SO The first TGIF worksop will be on Friday 9/5 at 15:00 in aula Alfa at the Computer Science Department. The workshop theme will be an introduction to LaTeX |
31/01/2014 |
Results of the Operating system written test of January, 30th 2014 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 30/1 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
27/01/2014 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of January 30, 2014 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 30/1 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
22/01/2014 |
Results of the Operating system written test of January, 16th 2014 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 16/1 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
13/01/2014 |
Computer programming 3 project teaching P3 The project textis available. Students should send via e-mail their source code and take an appointment. |
10/01/2014 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of January 16, 2014 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 16/1 will take place in aula Alfa in Via Comelico starting from 15:30. |
27/11/2013 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS The canceled classes will be made up on 28/11, 5/12 e 12/12 at 15:30 in aula 5. |
29/10/2013 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS The 6/11 and 21/11 classes of the Computer programming 3 course are canceled. |
29/10/2013 |
Schedule change for the Computer programming 3 course teaching P3 The 6/11 class of the Computer programming 3 course is canceled due to the Division Career day. |
23/10/2013 |
Cancellation of the Big scale analytics class of 24/10 teaching ADLS 24/10 class is canceled. |
14/10/2013 |
Schedule change for the Computer programming 3 course teaching P3 The 19/11 class of the Computer programming 3 course will be held in aula 5. |
20/09/2013 |
Results of the Operating system written test of September, 9th 2013 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 9/9 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
05/09/2013 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of September 9, 2013 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 9/9 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 15:00. |
27/07/2013 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 23rd 2013 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 23/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
20/07/2013 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 23, 2013 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 23/7 will take place in aula Beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
11/07/2013 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 4th 2013 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 4/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
01/07/2013 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 4, 2013 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 4/7 will take place in aula V3 in Via Venezian starting from 8:30. |
21/06/2013 |
Results of the Operating system written test of June, 19th 2013 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 19/6 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
14/06/2013 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of June 19, 2013 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 19/6 will take place in aula beta in Via Comelico starting from 14:30. |
10/06/2013 |
Schedule change for the Operating systems course teaching SO Last class of the Operating systems course will be held on Monday 17/6 between 8:30 and 10:30 in aula 405. |
05/06/2013 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS On Friday 7/6 there will be two classes for the Big scale analytics course: the first one between 11:30 and 13:30 (aula 5), and the second one between 13:30 and 15:30 (aula 5). |
23/05/2013 |
Cancellation of the Big scale analytics class of 31/5 teaching ADLS 31/5 classe is canceled due to a conference. |
23/05/2013 |
Cancellation of the Operating systems classe of 30/5 teaching SO 30/5 class is canceled due to a conference. |
10/05/2013 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO ADLS Regular office hour are canceled until next semester; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
10/05/2013 |
Cancellation of the Operating systems classes of 16/5 and 22/5 teaching SO 16/5 and 22/5 classes are canceled due to a EC project meeting. |
10/05/2013 |
Cancellation of the Big scale analytics classes of 17/5 and 21/5 teaching ADLS 17/5 and 21/5 classes are canceled due to a EC project meeting. |
30/04/2013 |
Tutorial about Hadoop installation teaching ADLS I published a tutorial about installing Hadoop on a virtual machine. |
29/04/2013 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO Sim ADLS Office hours of 2/5 and 9/5 are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
19/04/2013 |
Cancellation of the Big scale analytics class of 26/4 teaching ADLS 26/4 class is canceled due to 25/4 holidays |
26/03/2013 |
Seminar series on the creation of startup companies teaching ADLS A seminar series on the creation of startup companies is going to be held in our University. |
19/03/2013 |
Cancellation of the Big scale analytics class of 22/3 teaching ADLS 22/3 class is canceled due to a strike of public transportations. |
13/03/2013 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics course teaching ADLS Starting 19/03, classes of will be held on Tuesday between 14:30 and 16:30 in aula 6 and on Friday between 13:30 and 15:30 in aula 5. |
13/03/2013 |
Schedule change for the Big scale analytics class of 15/03 teaching ADLS Class of Friday 15/03 will begin at 14:30. |
11/03/2013 |
Cancellation of the Simulation course teaching Sim The Simulation course is canceled due to absence of students. |
05/03/2013 |
Cancellation of the Big scale analytics class of 8/3 teaching ADLS 8/3 class is canceled. |
25/02/2013 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO Sim ADLS Office hours of 28/02 are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
24/01/2013 |
Results of the Operating system written test of January, 16th 2013 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 16/1 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
14/01/2013 |
Office hours for the spring semester teaching SO Sim ADLS Office hours for the spring semester will be on Thursday, 15:00 to 17:00 in the teacher's office, starting from 24/1. |
10/01/2013 |
Details on the Operating systems written test of 16/1/2013 teaching SO The written test of 16/1 will take place in aula V2 in via Venezian at 9:30 |
29/11/2012 |
Results of the Operating system written test of November, 26th 2012 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 26/11 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
08/11/2012 |
Catch-up of the September Operating systems written test teaching SO The written test of september will made up on 26/11 in aula 208 in via Celoria at 13:30 |
30/10/2012 |
Results of the Operating system written test of October, 8th 2012 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 8/10 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
07/10/2012 |
Details on the Operating systems written test of 8/10/2012 teaching SO The written test of 8/10 will take place in aula G24 in via Golgi at 14:30 |
17/09/2012 |
Cancellation of the Operating systems September exam session teaching SO The exam session of September is canceled for reasons beyond the control of the teacher and will be made up at t later date. |
01/08/2012 |
Participation in the European researchers' night popularization On September 28, 2012 the Milan Museum of Science and Technology will organize an open day during the European researchers' night. I will participate in the activities of the i.Lab Robotics from 19:30 till 20:30. |
24/07/2012 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 23 2012 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 23/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
18/07/2012 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 23, 2012 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 23/7 will take place in aula beta in Via Comelico 39 starting from 8:30. |
09/07/2012 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 6 2012 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 6/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
03/07/2012 |
Details for the Computer programming 1 written test of 5/7/2012 teaching P1 The written test of 5/7 will take place in aula beta at 14:30. |
03/07/2012 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 6, 2012 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 6/7 will take place in aula beta in Via Comelico 39 starting from 8:30. |
16/06/2012 |
Results of the Operating system written test of June, 14 2012 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 14/6 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
14/06/2012 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 written test of 13/06/2012 teaching P1 The results of the written test of 13/06 are available. |
11/06/2012 |
Details for the Computer programming 1 written test of 13/6 teaching P1 The written test of 13/6 will take place in aula beta at 8:30. |
11/06/2012 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of June 14, 2012 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 14/6 will take place in aula beta in Via Comelico 39 starting from 8:30. |
05/06/2012 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO P1 P3 Regular office hour are canceled until next semester; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
13/04/2012 |
Suspension of the Operating systems lessons teaching SO The Operating systems classes of Tuesday are canceled until May 1 (included). Instead, the Thursday lessons will be held regularly. |
10/04/2012 |
Digito ergo sum: the second season popularization digito-ergo-sum |
22/03/2012 |
Office hour suspension teaching SO P1 P3 Because of the next meeting of the Division council and the Easter holidays, the office hours up to 13/4 will take place by appointment. |
19/03/2012 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO P1 P3 Office hour on Mar 21 are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
05/03/2012 |
Additional oral test date for Computer programming 1 in the February session teaching P1 An additional oral test for the February session (both for theory and laboratory parts) will take place on Thursday 8/3 at 11:30 at the sala riunioni at the second floor of the Computer science Department. Students willing to take the test in this date should contact the teacher via e-mail. |
03/03/2012 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 written test of 29/02/2012 teaching P1 The results of the written test of 29/02 are available. |
01/03/2012 |
Change in the Operating systems lectures' calendar teaching SO Starting from 6/3, Tuesday classes of Operating Systems will be held in aula G08 in Via Golgi. |
21/02/2012 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO P1 P3 Office hour between Feb 29 and Mar 7 (included) are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
21/02/2012 |
Details for the Computer programming 1 written test of 29/02 teaching P1 The written test of Wednesday 29/02 will take place at 13:30 at aula G08 in via Golgi. |
20/02/2012 |
Office hour for the spring semester teaching SO P1 P3 Office hour for the spring semester will be on Tuesday, 14:30 to 16:00. |
20/02/2012 |
Beginning of the Operating systems classes teaching SO The Operating systems classes will start by 28/2. |
01/02/2012 |
Correction of the Computer programming 1 written test of 23/1 teaching P1 After the oral tests of Thursday 2/2 the written test of 23/1 will be corrected. |
30/01/2012 |
Oral tests of Computer programming 1 for the January session teaching P1 Oral tests for the Jaunary session will take place at 9:30 of Thursday 2/2 in aula 5 and aula 6 of the Computer scince Department. In order to be admitted to these test it is requested to: 1. pass the laboratory test of 31/01 (results will be published shortly after the test ends), and 2. pass the written test of 23/01 or both midterms. |
30/01/2012 |
Computer programming 3 project teaching P3 The project textis available. Students should send via e-mail their source code and take an appointment. |
26/01/2012 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 written test of 23/01/2012 teaching P1 The results of the written test of 23/01 are available. |
25/01/2012 |
Results of the Operating system written test of January, 25 2012 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 25/1 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
19/01/2012 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 second midterm of 18/01/2012 teaching P1 The results of the first midterm of Computer programming 1 of 18/01 are available. |
18/01/2012 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO P1 P3 Office hours of 19/01 are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
16/01/2012 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of January 25, 2012 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 25/01 will take place in aula beta in Via Comelico starting from 8:30. |
16/01/2012 |
Results of the Operating system written test of January, 9 2012 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 9/1 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
16/01/2012 |
Written test of Computer programming 1 of 23/01/2012 teaching P1 The written test of Monday 23/01 will be hold at 8:30 in aula beta. |
15/01/2012 |
Seminar on C programming tools teaching P1 Students are advised to follow the seminar on C programming tools held by Dr. Santini on Tuesday 17/01 at 10:30 in aula V9. |
11/01/2012 |
Office hour change teaching SO P1 P3 Office hour for this week will be on Friday 13 at 10:30. |
05/01/2012 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of January 9, 2012 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 9/01 will take place in aula V9 in Via Venezian starting from 13:30. |
22/12/2011 |
Second midterm of Computer programming 1 teaching P1 The second midterm will be held on Wednesday 18/01 at 8:30 in aula beta. |
22/12/2011 |
Schedule change for the Computer programming 1 class of 12/01 teaching P1 Class of Thurdsay 12/01 is postponed to Tuesday 17/01. |
22/12/2011 |
Place and time of the Software design oral tests of January 2012 teaching PGS The oral tests of Software design for January will take place at the Computer science department according to the following schedule: Wednesday 12/01, 9:30, sala riunioni secondo piano; Friday 27/01, 9:30, aula 6. |
22/12/2011 |
Date change for the written test of Operating systems teaching SO The written test of Operating systems of January has been postponed to 9/01. |
22/12/2011 |
Office hours change teaching SO P1 P3 Today office hours will be held at 16:30. |
24/11/2011 |
Cancellation of the Computer programming 1 class of 6/12 teaching P1 6/12 class is canceled. |
24/11/2011 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 first midterm of 16/11/2011 teaching P1 The results of the first midterm of Computer programming 1 of 16/11 are available. |
03/11/2011 |
First midterm of Computer programming 1 teaching P1 The first midterm will be held on Wednesday, November 16th. Registration through SIFA terminals is required. |
20/10/2011 |
Results of the Operating system written test of October, 14 2011 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 14/10 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
09/10/2011 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of October 14, 2011 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 14/10 will take place in aula V4 in Via Venezian starting from 13:30. |
07/10/2011 |
Place and time of the Software design oral tests of October 2011 teaching PGS The oral tests of Software design for October will take place at the Computer science department according to the following schedule: Wednesday 12/10, 14:30, aula 5; Monday 24/10, 10:30, aula 6. |
03/10/2011 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO P1 P3 Office hours of 6/10 are canceled; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
22/09/2011 |
Conference on the popularization of computer science popularization I am collaborating to the organization of the INFOCULT conference on the popularization of computer science. Have a look at the programme! |
21/09/2011 |
Date change for the written test of Operating systems teaching SO The written test of Operating systems of October has been postponed to 14/10. |
21/09/2011 |
Results of the Operating system written test of September, 19 2011 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 19/9 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
20/09/2011 |
Beginning of che Computer Programming 1 classes teaching P1 Theory and laboratory classes will start on October 4th and October 14th, respectively. |
13/09/2011 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of Septembre 19, 2011 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 19/9 will take place in aula alfa in Via Comelico 39 starting from 9:30. |
08/09/2011 |
Semester for the Operating systems course teaching SO The class of Operating systems will be delivered in the spring semester. |
11/07/2011 |
Results of the Operating system written test of July, 11 2011 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 11/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
06/07/2011 |
Office hours canceled teaching SO PGS Regular office hour are canceled until next semester; students can arrange an appointment via e-mail. |
06/07/2011 |
Place and time of the Software design oral tests of July 2011 teaching PGS The oral tests of Software design for July will take place on Thursday 14/7 at 10:30 in aula 6 at the Computer science department. |
06/07/2011 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of July 11, 2011 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 11/7 will take place in aula beta in Via Comelico 39 starting from 9:00. |
26/06/2011 |
Results of the Operating system written test of June, 21 2011 and oral test calendar teaching SO The results of the Operating systems written test of 21/6 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
13/06/2011 |
Place and time of the Software design oral tests of June 2011 teaching PGS The oral tests of Software design for June will take place at the Computer science department according to the following schedule: Monday 20/6, 10:30, aula 6; Thursday 23/6, 10:30, sala riunioni secondo piano; Friday 24/6, 10:30, aula 6. |
13/06/2011 |
Place and time of the Operating systems written test of June 21, 2011 teaching SO The Operating systems written test of 21/6 will take place in aula beta in Via Comelico 39 starting from 14:30. |
19/05/2011 |
Digito ergo sum: a radio broadcast on CS popularization digito-ergo-sum As of May 23rd, every Monday at 12:00 Radio Popolare will broadcast Digito Ergo Sum, a programme in italian language on computer science popularization. |
06/05/2011 |
Evaluation of the Software design course teaching PGS The course evaluation will take place in the first part of the lecture of May, 5th. |
06/05/2011 |
Evaluation of the Operating system course teaching SO The course evaluation will take place in the final part of the lecture of May, 5th. |
29/03/2011 |
Suspension of the Operating systems lesson teaching SO The Operating systems class of April, 4th is canceled. |
29/03/2011 |
Schedule change for the Software design lesson on 14/4 teaching PGS The Software design class of 14/4 will start on 13:00. |
24/03/2011 |
Suspension of the Software design lesson teaching PGS The Software design class of 4/4 is canceled |
15/02/2011 |
Beginning of the spring semester teaching SO PGS According to a decision of the Computer Science teaching committee, classes will start from March, 7th. |
16/09/2010 |
Schedule change for the oral tests of Computer programming 1 teaching LP Oral tests of Computer programming 1 for september will be held on Tuesday 21/9 at 10:30 in Prof. Meregetti's office, instead than on Monday 20/9 as previously communicated. |
15/09/2010 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of September, 15 2010 and oral test calendar teaching LP The results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 15/9 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
13/09/2010 |
Place and time of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of September 15, 2010 teaching LP The Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 15/9 will take place in aula tau in Via Comelico 39 starting from 9:00. |
19/07/2010 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of July, 19 2010 and oral test calendar teaching LP The results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 19/7 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
16/07/2010 |
Place and time of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of July 19, 2010 teaching LP The Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 19/7 will take place in aula sigma in Via Comelico 39 starting from 9:00. |
07/07/2010 |
Schedule change for the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of July 13, 2010 teaching LP The Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 13/7 will be held on 19/7 in order to avoid overlapping with another test. Students who already signed up for this test don't have to sign up to the one of 19/07. |
18/06/2010 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of June, 18 2010 and oral test calendar teaching LP The results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 18/6 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
16/06/2010 |
Place and time of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of June 18, 2010 teaching LP The Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 18/6 will take place in aula tau in Via Comelico 39 starting from 9:00. |
08/03/2010 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of March, 2 2010 and oral test calendar teaching LP The results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 2/3 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
26/02/2010 |
Place and time of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of March 2, 2010 teaching LP The Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 2/3 will take place in aula sigma in Via Comelico 39 starting from 14:00. |
18/02/2010 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of February, 16 2010 and oral test calendar teaching LP The results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 16/2 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
12/02/2010 |
Place and time of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of February 16, 2010 teaching LP The Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 16/12 will take place in aula sigma in Via Comelico 39 starting from 9:00. |
05/02/2010 |
Computing systems 2 project teaching SEI2 The project textis available. Students should send via e-mail their source code and take an appointment. |
26/01/2010 |
Results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of January, 25 2010 and oral test calendar teaching LP The results of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 25/1 and the oral tests calendar are available. |
20/01/2010 |
Place and time of the Computer programming 1 laboratory test of January 25, 2010 teaching LP The Computer programming 1 laboratory test of 25/1 will take place in aula sigma in Via Comelico 39 starting from 9:00. |
14/1/2010 |
Canceling of classes of 7/01 and of 12/01 teaching SEI2 The Computing systems 2 classes of thursday 7/01 and of tuesday 12/01 are canceled. |
14/12/2009 |
Schedule change for the Computing systems 2 classes teaching SEI2 Classes of Thursday 7/1 and Tuesday 12/1 are canceled. |
20/10/2009 |
Suspension of the Laboratory of computer programming 1 lesson teaching LP The Laboratory of computer programming 1 class of 8/01 is canceled and will be made up on 10/01 in aula Tau, 13:30 to 17:30. |
20/10/2009 |
Suspension of the Laboratory of computer programming 1 lesson teaching LP The Laboratory of computer programming 1 class of 23/10 is canceled. |
16/10/2009 |
Change in the classroom for the 10/12 class teaching SEI2 Lecture of thursday 10/12 of Computing systems 2 will be held in classroom 5. |
08/10/2009 |
Guide to the use of computing resources teaching LP Students can consult a guide (written in italian) to the access to computing resources, written by Prof. Santini (bearing in mind that sections Come compilare un programma and Come eseguire un programma should not be read, as they refer to the C language rather than Java). |
08/10/2009 |
Beginning of the Laboratory of computer programming 1 classes teaching LP Using the computers in aula Tau requires an account to be activated. This can be done showing up at the entrance of SILAB (the teaching laboratory in Via Comelico) with: 1) the university ID and 2) its corresponding PIN or, equivalently, of the university e-mail password. Students showing up without an activated account will not be able to participate in the class. |
08/10/2009 |
Schedule change teaching SEI2 Starting from 20/10, Tuesday classes of Computing systems 2 will be held 12:30 to 15:30 in the LID laboratory. |
06/10/2009 |
Canceling of classes during the Career day teaching SEI2 In order to allow students to participate in the University Career day, the Computing systems 2 lecture of thursday 8/10 is canceled. Consequently, the laboratory of tuesday 13/10 will be canceled, too. |
28/09/2009 |
Beginning of the Computing systems 2 classes teaching SEI2 Classes will start tuesday 29/09 at 14:30 in the LID laboratory. |
28/09/2009 |
Beginning of the Laboratory of computer programming 1 classes teaching LP Classes will start from Friday 9/10. |
23/09/2009 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project “DVD” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “DVD” are available, as well as the discussions' calendar. Students willing to discuss their project in January should notify the teacher, in case they have not explicitly written a discussion date in their report. |
31/08/2009 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of September and October teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in September or October is available. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. |
17/07/2009 |
Office hours suspension teaching LP Starting from Monday July 20th (included) and until further notice office hours will be held by appointment. |
10/07/2009 |
July discussions of the Programming laboratory projects teaching LP Projects discussions of July will be held on Tursday 16/07 at 10:00 in aula 6 of the Computer science Department, in via Comelico 39. |
22/06/2009 |
Computing systems 2 project teaching SEI2 The project textis available. Students should send via e-mail their source code and take an appointment. |
15/06/2009 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project “Navigatore GPS” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “Navigatore GPS” are available, as well as the discussions' calendar. Students willing to discuss their project in July should notify the teacher, in case they have not explicitly written a discussion date in their report. |
28/05/2009 |
Festivity of June 2nd teaching SEI2 The class of June 2nd of Computing systems 2 will be held on June 3rd at 14:30 in the LID laboratory. |
21/05/2009 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of June and July teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in June or July is available, as well as two configuration files: one based on adjacency matrices and one based on incidency matrices. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. |
07/05/2009 |
Cancellation of office hours on 11/05/2009 teaching LP Office hours of Monday 11/05 are canceled, due to a meeting of the teaching organizing committee. Students can contact the teacher by e-mail in order to arrange an appointment. |
27/02/2009 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project “Gioco dell'oca” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “Gioco dell'oca” are available. Students of the passed projects are invited to contact the teacher in order to set date and time for the discussion. |
13/02/2009 |
Office hours schedule change for 16/02/2009 teaching LP Office hours for Monday 16/02/2009 are moved to Wednesday 18/02 from 10:30 to 11:30, due to a meeting of the teaching organizing committee. |
04/02/2009 |
Updated version of the project for the Programming laboratory exam of February and April teaching LP An updated version of the project to be discussed in February of April is available. In this version the configuration string example was amended and the description of some point was extended. |
30/01/2009 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of February and April teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in February or April is available. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. |
22/01/2009 |
Suspension of the Programming laboratory class teaching LP Last up front class is canceled. The class of friday 30/01 will be held, as previously reported, in aula 307. |
08/01/2009 |
Results of the Programming laboratory test of 18/12/2008 teaching LP The results of the Programming laboratory test of 18/12 are available. |
16/12/2008 |
Details on the additional date for the Programming laboratory test teaching LP The test of 18/12 will be held at 9:30 in aula sigma in Via Comelico 39. The only documentation accessible will be the online Java API. |
24/11/2008 |
Additional date for the Programming laboratory test teaching LP An additional date for the laboratory part of the Programming course test will be provided for students of current and previous academic years. The test will consist in a laboratory exam on December 18, tentatively. More details, including possible grouping in different dates, will be communicated after the closing date for enrollment. |
24/09/2008 |
Schedule change for the Programming laboratory class of 28/11/2008 teaching LP First part of the Programming laboratory class of 28/11/2008 will be anticipated to Thursday 27/11 from 9:30 to 11:30 in aula 311. Second part will be anticipated from 14:30 to 16:30 of 28/11 in aula 309. |
24/09/2008 |
Office hours change teaching LP Starting from 29/09, office hours will be held frm 16:00 and 17:00 in the teacher's office. |
24/09/2008 |
Office hours modification for 19/09/2008 teaching LP Office hours of 19/09 will be held during morning, due to a meeting of che committee for perspective students. |
24/09/2008 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project “Mail merge” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “Mail merge” are available, as well as the schedule for discussions of September and January. Project not listed have been corrected by Prof. Cazzola. |
26/08/2008 |
Office hours cancellation teaching LP The teacher will be out of office between 8 and 12 september. Therefore, office hours of 12/09 are canceled. |
26/08/2008 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of September and January teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in September or January is available. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. Templates are available for the models file, the names file, and the values file, to be used in the testing phase. |
24/06/2008 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project “Pac-man” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “Pac-man” are available, as well as the schedule for discussions of June and July. Project not listed have been corrected by Prof. Cazzola. |
12/06/2008 |
Projext of Computing systems 2 teaching SEI2 The project text is available for download- |
01/06/2008 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of June and July teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in June or July is available. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. |
09/04/2008 |
April discussions of the Programming laboratory projects teaching LP Projects discussions of April will be held on Monday 14/04 at 10:30 in sala riunioni at the second floor of the Computer science Department, in via Comelico 39. |
21/02/2008 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project HTMLValidator” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “HTMLValidator” are available, as well as the schedule for discussions. Students whose projects are marked with an asterisk should get to the next office hours. |
31/01/2008 |
Beginning of the Computing systems 2 classes teaching SEI2 Classes will start on thursday 28/2 in the LID laboratory. |
21/01/2008 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of February and April teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in February or April is available. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. |
11/01/2008 |
Schedule change for the class of Programming laboratory teaching LP The class of Monday, January 21st will be held between 13:30 and 14:30 in aula V4; during this class, opened to students from all editions, the project for February and April will be presented. |
12/12/2007 |
Cancellation of the office hours for 14/12/2007 teaching LP Office hours for Friday, December 14th are canceled, due to a meeting of the teaching committee. Students can contact the teacher in order to arrange an appointment. |
03/12/2007 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory class teaching LP The evaluation questionnaires for the Programming laboratory class will be delivered on Thursday, December 6th. |
09/10/2007 |
Cancellation of the Programming laboratory class of 12/11 teaching LP The class of 12/11 is canceled. It will be held later during the course. |
01/10/2007 |
Starting of the Programming laboratory classes teaching LP Classes of programming laboratory will start on 15/10. Classes in aula 309 will start on 25/10; being the capacity of this room limited, priority will be given to students enrolled in the afternoon session of the first year |
14/09/2007 |
Next tests of Symbolic processing laboratory teaching LES The next tests of the Laboratory of symbolic processing test will be held on 19/12/2007 an on 8/1/2008 in aula omega in Via Comelico, at 15:00. Students are required to subscribe within 5 days from the test date, sending an e-mail to the teacher, specifying their first and last name. |
02/07/2007 |
Results of the Laboratory of symbolic processing test of June, 29 2007 teaching LES The results of the Laboratory of symbolic processing test of 29/6 are available. |
25/06/2007 |
Place and time of Symbolic processing laboratory test teaching LES The Laboratory of symbolic computation test (for students not presenting a project) will take place on 29/6 in aula omega in Via Comelico 39 starting from 14:30. |
06/06/2007 |
Computing systems 2 project teaching SEI2 The project textis available. |
01/06/2007 |
Laboratory of symbolic processing projects teaching LES Students willing to present a project are asked to contact the teacher, specifying the number of persons (not bigger than 4) in their working group, with the aim of deciding the project topic. Projects about experiences for the taught classes are highly encouraged. |
15/02/2007 |
Beginning of the Computing systems 2 classes teaching SEI2 Classes will start on tuesday 27/ in the LID laboratory. |
10/01/2007 |
Discussions for the January sessions of Programming laboratory teaching LP Discussion for the January session will be held on 17/01 at 9:30 in the teacher's office. |
teaching LP |
18/09/2007 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project “Monopoli” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “Monopoli” are available, as well as the schedule for discussions, which will be held on 28/09. In the same date, the office hours will be postponed after the end of discussions. |
31/08/2007 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of September and January teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in September or January is available. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. |
28/06/2007 |
Discussions of the Programming laboratory projects for the July 2007 session teaching LP Discussions for the July session will take place on 4/7 at 10:00 in the teacher's office. |
12/06/2007 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project “PathFinder” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “PathFinder” are available, as well as the schedule for discussions. |
16/05/2007 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of June and July teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in June or July is available. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. |
21/02/2007 |
Evaluation of the Programming laboratory project “SpaceInvaders” teaching LP Evaluations of the Programming laboratory project “SpaceInvaders” are available, as well as the schedule for discussions. |
17/01/2007 |
Project for the Programming laboratory exam of February and April teaching LP The text of the project to be discussed in February or April is available. Students are strongly advised to carefully read the text and to meet deadlines for delivery described in the document. |
10/01/2007 |
Change in the schedule of the Programming laboratory classes teaching LP Classes will be extended beyond the end of first semester according to the following schedule: 22/01, aula 309 15:30-17:30; 23/01, aula V1 17:30-18:30; 25/01, aula G11 14:30/16:30. |
27/11/2006 |
Change in the schedule of the Programming laboratory classes teaching LP Classes of 11 and of 14 December are canceled. The first one will be held on 15/12 at 13:30 in aula 309. The second one will be held during January. |
08/11/2006 |
Package for input/output to be used in the Programming laboratory classes teaching LP The prog package to be used for dealing with input/output is available for download. Its installation requires to uncompress the ZIP archive in a directory occurring within the environment variable $CLASSPATH. |
31/10/2006 |
Instructions for accessing PC during the Programming laboratory classes teaching LP Des instructions qui expliquent comment accéder aux PC dans l'aula 309 sont disponibles. |
31/10/2006 |
Live distribution for the Programming laboratory classes teaching LP The ISO image containing the live distribution to be used in the laboratory exercises is available for download. |
13/10/2006 |
Schedule for the first part of the Programming laboratory course teaching LP Classes for the first part of the course will be held on the following dates: 16/10, aula 200 15:30-17:30; 19/10, aula 405 14:30-16:30; 23/10, aula 200 15:30-17:30; 26/10, aula 202 15:30-17:30; 30/10, aula 200 15:30-17:30; 2/11, aula 405 14:30-16:30. Afterwards, classes will follow the official time table. |