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Dario Malchiodi

Università degli Studi di Milano unimi
(associate professor)
(visiting scientist)
Data Science Research Centre DSRC
(scientific board)

19/09/2024 teaching SAD
September oral tests of Statistics and data analysis
The oral tests of Statistics and data analysis for the september session results will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Monday 23/9 at 9:00 (lab. magistrale on the floor), on Tuesday 24/9 at 9:30 (meeting room on the fifth floor), and on Wednesday 25/9 at 14:30 (Lab. magistrale on the fifth floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 25/9 at the end of the oral tests.
25/07/2024 teaching AMD
Joint project for the «Algorithms for massive datasets» and «Statistical methods for machine learning» courses (Master in Computer Science)
The description of a joint project for the courses «Algorithms for massive datasets» and «Statistical methods for machine learrning» for the Master in «Computer Science» is available.
04/07/2024 teaching SAD
July oral tests of Statistics and data analysis
Students enrolled in the Statistics and data analysis test of 1/7 should receive an e-mail message containing the results and the schedule of oral tests, which will take place in the Computer Science Department, on Friday 5/7 at 9:30 (classroom Beta), on Monday 8/7 at 9:30 (meeting room on the fifth floor), and on Thursday 11/7 at 9:30 (meeting room on the fifth floor). The public correction of the exam will take place on 11/7 at 14:30 in the meeting room on the fifth floor.
25/06/2024 teaching SAD
Place and time of the Statistics and data analysis written test of July 1st, 2024
The Statistics and data analytics written test of 1/7 will take place in the classrooms delta, tau and gamma of the computer science department, at 8:30. Participants can bring a book and a notebook for consultation.
Older news

Teaching activities

Bachelor, master and PhD

  • Algorithms for massive data (DSE) @unimi master Lectures are in English 2022-232023-24
  • Algorithms for massive datasets @unimi master Lectures are in English 2022-232023-24
  • Deep learning in bioinformatics @unimi PhD Lectures are in English 2023-24
  • Efficacy and efficiency evaluation of machine learning models @unimi PhD Lectures are in English 2023-24
  • Statistics and data analytics @unimi bachelor Lectures are in italian 2022-232023-24
All activities


Research areas

  • Data-driven induction of fuzzy sets
  • Compression of machine learning models
  • Mining of knowledge bases in semantic Web
  • Negative example selection in bioinformatics
  • ML-based COVID-19 risk prediction
  • Application of ML in veterinary and forensics
  • Popularization of informatics culture
All areas


All projects


[Paravisi et al., 2024] Paravisi Mattia, Visconti Andrea and Malchiodi Dario Security Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms: Hints from Machine Learning, in L. Iliadis, I. Maglogiannis, A. Papaleonidas, E. Pimenidis and C. Jayne (Eds.), Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. EANN 2024., Vol. 2141, Cham: Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 569–580, 2024 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Frasson and Malchiodi, 2024] Frasson Marco and Malchiodi Dario Support Vector Based Anomaly Detection Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. EANN 2024. L. Iliadis I. Maglogiannis A. Papaleonidas E. Pimenidis C. Jayne Springer Cham Communications in Computer and Information Science 2141 in Federated Learning, in , 274–287, 2024 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Malchiodi et al., 2024] Malchiodi Dario, Raimondi Davide, Fumagalli Giacomo, Giancarlo Raffaele and Frasca Marco The role of classifiers and data complexity in learned Bloom filters: insights and recommendations, Journal of Big Data 11 - 45 (2024) [doi> BIBTEX]

[Nicolini et al., 2024] Nicolini Marco, Malchiodi Dario, Cabri Alberto, Cavalleri Emanuele, Mesiti Marco, Paccanaro Alberto, Robinson Peter N., Reese Justin, Casiraghi Elena and Valentini Giorgio Fine-Tuning of Conditional Transformers Improves the Generalization of Functionally Characterized Proteins, in BIOSTEC 2024 - 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Proceedings, Vol. 1, SCITEPRESS (ISBN 978-989-758-688-0), 561-568, 2024 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Gliozzo et al., 2024] Gliozzo Jessica, Marinò Giosuè, Bonometti Arturo, Frasca Marco and Malchiodi Dario Resource-Limited Automated Ki67 Index Estimation in Breast Cancer, in Proceedings of the 2023 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ICBRA '23), New York, NY, USA: ACM, 165–172, 2024 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Valentini et al., 2023] Valentini Giorgio, Malchiodi Dario, Gliozzo Jessica, Mesiti Marco, Soto-Gomez Mauricio, Cabri Alberto, Reese Justin, Casiraghi Elena and Robinson Peter N. The promises of large language models for protein design and modeling, Frontiers in Bioinformatics 3 (2023), 1304099 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Marinò et al., 2023] Marinò Giosuè C., Furia Flavio, Malchiodi Dario and Frasca Marco Efficient and Compact Representations of Deep Neural Networks via Entropy Coding, IEEE Access 11 (2023), 106103—106125 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Ruschioni et al., 2023] Ruschioni Giulia, Malchiodi Dario, Zanaboni Anna M. and Bonizzoni Letizia Supervised learning algorithms as a tool for archaeology: classification of ceramic samples described by chemical element concentrations, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 49 (2023), 103995 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Malchiodi et al., 2023] Malchiodi Dario, Raimondi Davide, Fumagalli Giacomo, Giancarlo Raffaele and Frasca Marco A Critical Analysis of Classifier Selection in Learned Bloom Filters: the Essentials, in L. Iliadis, I. Maglogiannis, S. Alonso Castro, C. Jayne and E. Pimenidis (Eds.), Engineering Application of Neural Networks — 24th International Conference — EAAAI/EANN 2023 — León, Spain, June 14—17, 2023 —Proceedings, Springer Nature, Communications in Computer and Information Science 1826, 47—61, 2023 [doi> preprint BIBTEX]

[Marinò et al., 2023a] Marinò Giosuè C., Petrini Alessandro, Malchiodi Dario and Frasca Marco Deep neural networks compression: a comparative survey and choice recommendations, Neurocomputing 520 (2023), 152—170 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Condorelli and Malchiodi, 2022] Condorelli Andrea and Malchiodi Dario Designing a Master Course on Architectures for Big Data: A Collaboration Between University and Industry, Informatics in Education 4 (2022), 635—653 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Zanaboni et al., 2022] Zanaboni Anna M., Malchiodi Dario, Bonizzoni Letizia and Ruschioni Giulia Classification of Pottery Fragments Described by Concentration of Chemical Elements, in P. L. Mazzeo, E. Frontoni, S. Sclaroff and C. Distante (Eds.), Image Analysis and Processing. ICIAP 2022 Workshops. ICIAP 2022., Vol. 13373, Cham: Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISBN 978-3-031-13320-6), 141—151, 2022 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Fumagalli et al., 2022] Fumagalli Giacomo, Raimondi Davide, Giancarlo Raffaele, Malchiodi Dario and Frasca Marco On the Choice of General Purpose Classifiers in Learned Bloom Filters: An Initial Analysis Within Basic Filters, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods — ICPRAM, SciTePress (ISBN 978-989-758-549-4), 675—682, 2022 [doi> BIBTEX]

[Galizzi et al., 2021] Galizzi Alberto, Bagardi Mara, Stranieri Angelica, Zanaboni Anna M., Malchiodi Dario, Borromeo Vitaliano, Brambilla Paola G. and Locatelli Chiara Factors affecting the urinary aldosterone-to-creatinine ratio in healthy dogs and dogs with naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease, BMC Veterinary Research 17 - 1 (2021), 1—14 [doi> BIBTEX]

All publications